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Request for Proposal - Security Camera System Upgrade

Amendment I: 06.28.2024

Amendment 2: 07.02.2024

The Commissioner's Meeting originally scheduled for July 16th has been rescheduled to July 30th.

The bids will now be opened and presented at the newly scheduled July 30th meeting.

The Penobscot County Commissioners, located at 97 Hammond St., in Bangor, Maine, are requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide all equipment, and to perform all tasks, necessary to complete the security camera system upgrade as described in system specification titled Camera System Outline, attached as Appendix II, for all county buildings and grounds located in Bangor.  The County anticipates this work to be completed during summer/fall of 2024.

Written proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked as follow:


Scott Adkins, Administrator

RFP: Security Camera System Upgrade

97 Hammond St.

Bangor, ME  04401


All proposal must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, July 12, 2024.


Only sealed bids will be accepted.  All bids must be complete upon submission.  Bids received after the stipulated closing time will be returned unopened, at the Bidder’s expense.  All bids received will be opened during the Commissioner’s meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.


Any technical questions concerning the RFP, equipment specific questions, or documentation shall to be addressed to both the county IT and Facilities departments. Please send any queries to both email addresses, and be sure to reply to all.


          IT Department: 

          Facilities Dept: 

A complete copy of the RFP is found below.

The bid has been awarded to Central Security. Copies of submitted bids can be found below.


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