Penobscot County Commissioners' Minutes from June 30, 2020
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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes June 30, 2020 2290 9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Andre Cushing & Laura Sanborn 64°
Approval of Minutes –
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve June 23, 2020 meeting minutes Budget Committee Minutes from June 22, 2020. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.
Public Comment – None
EMA Update –
• Director Michelle LaBree reported her office is still the hub for all resource requests for Penobscot County. Part-timer Scott Luciano is back working 6-8 hours a week. Deputy Nuding will be the primary point of contact and Director LaBree will be secondary for resource requests.
• There was one positive case of COVID in an Orono nursing care facility. They are now conducting universal testing to determine if others have COVID.
• EMA is getting back to our normal job responsibilities. It is that time of year where Homeland Security requests are submitted. The deadline for requests is next Monday. We have received quite a few grant requests; the review committee will meet when closed. Penobscot County’s allocation is $ 133K; of that 27% has to be dedicated to law enforcement. A new caveat is 5% has to be set aside for emerging threats i.e. drone program, 5% needs to be to prevent/prepare/respond to mass gatherings and also a percentage designated towards cyber security. Michelle will send a spreadsheet of all requests to Commissioners next week after the Committee meets and shares their decision.
• Commissioner Baldacci asked about FAA guidelines regarding drones. Michelle responded that the State has strict guidelines as well. Most State agencies use Drones i.e. State Police, Wardens and the Forestry Service.
• Commissioner Cushing asked about EMA partnering with DEEMI Search & Rescue (Down East Emergency Medicine Institute). We are aware of the amount of resources DEEMI brings to the table however; MEMA has strict guidelines for agencies that partner with EMA, more specifically training requirements revolving around NIMS & ICS, which has made it not feasible to partner with DEEMI in the past.
UT Update –
• Director Shaw Weeks reported the Mattamiscontis Paving Project Bid was sent out to vendors and advertised last week. The bid opening date will be July 14th. • Director Weeks has talked to UTC and EMCC’s Fire Science programs regarding the possible donation of the 1992 Spartan Fire Engine. Both employees he spoke to are new to the system and will get back to him with their thoughts.
• Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to renew the Matagamon Wilderness liquor license. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. Signed.
• Deputy George Buswell reported that the spring sweep is running a little late due to not having rain. We will start with the spring cleanup with the rain expected this week. Then we’ll start the work that the Commissioners approved.
• Director Weeks reported that there will be a meeting next discussing cost sharing of the replacement of the Detective Benjamin Campbell in IP3. TIF funds may be used to add a snowmobile lane to the bridge. Shaw is communicating with Katahdin region’s economic developer Mike Elliott to make him aware of the project.
UT Truck Bid Opening –
• Commissioner Baldacci opened four bids that were submitted for one (1) 4-WD, ½ ton white pickup. All bids were received by the date and time requested. Quirk Ford F-150 Police Responder XL $34,453
Thornton Ram 1500 Classic ST Quad Cab $27,563
Darlings Ram 1500 Tradesman Quad Cab 3/36,000 warranty $25,559
Darlings Ram 1501 Tradesman Crew Cab 3/36,000 warranty $27,517
Varney GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 3/36,000 warranty $28,478
• Commissioner Sanborn moved that we will take the bids under advisement. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. PRCC Update –
• Director Chris Lavoie reported that the Budget Committee meeting in Districts I and III went very well with positive responses received. Tonight we will be at the final hearing for District II in Corinna.
• Director Lavoie and Deputy Director Josh Lilley reported the Dispatch desks are in poor shape. Two options available are:
o Replace with the newer style desks similar to the ones we purchased for the call takers for around $245,450 (10) o Work with Wrightline (the company we purchased these desks from) as they could fabricate new parts for these desks. This company would be able to replace the mechanical components at a cost of $107, 459 .10.
Due to the uniqueness of this request, Commissioner Baldacci requested legal counsel to see if this project needed to go out to RFP. Director Lavoie feels the monies used for this project should come from reserves.
• Letters of support for the Radio Communication Referendum have been sent to the Bangor Daily News. There will be more media coverage at the end of this week, beginning of next.
HR Update –
• Director Erika Honey reported that all the interviews were held for the new Clerical Specialist II positions for Probate and the DA’s offices. Rebecca Woodward has been promoted in the Probate office and Janey Ross has been promoted in the DA’s office. This is effective July 5th.
• Director Honey stated that there are three grievance hearing that need to be scheduled. Erika will see if all parties can be available July 21st.
• Director Honey feels comfortable bringing in our outside vendors; i.e. AFLAC and VOYA to meet with our employees. These meetings would be held on the third floor to allow room for social distancing.
• The Director of Facilities position is advertised and closes on July 9th.
• We are trying to get back to committee meetings. Our monthly safety meeting will be held tomorrow.
Administration Update –
• Administrator Bill Collins reported that two of the three Districts have held their Radio Bond Public Hearings. District II will take place tomorrow night at Corrina Elementary at 6:30.
• Director Honey and I participated in FOP negotiations last week.
• VOYA will be here on July 15th.
• Both the Facilities Director and Northern Patrol Deputy positions have been posted.
• Before COVID, we received a Tax Abatement request in the Town of Howland. We will schedule for July 28th with your approval. Approved.
• Commissioner Sanborn made a motion for Commissioner Baldacci to sign the Community Corrections Report that is sent to the State. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. Signed.
• MCCA legislature policy (LPC) meeting was cancelled and is now scheduled for Monday, July 6.
• A MEDPRO employee fell in the jail yesterday.
• Administrator Collins noted that there is a question on Facebook Live asking how much testing is occurring for inmates and employees at the jail. Bill has no numbers to report. Tests are performed by MEDPRO.
• Sheriff apologizes for not being available for today’s meeting. He provided Administrator Collins the following information:
o Today’s jail total population is 165. o Two of the 13 inmates that we have been holding for DOC will be transferred out today. o Boarding Contracts are starting to expire. Sheriff is in discussion with each of them at this time.
• A letter for Support for the Radio Communications Referendum was submitted to Bangor Daily News Editorial page.
• Also, a post was placed on social media supporting the Jail Referendum.
• The Treasurer’s Office reached out to the Sheriff’s Office as requested last week.
• Payroll Change Notices signed for: Constantine Orfan – Resignation; Rebecca Woodard and Janey Ross – Promotion; Gary Mehuren – Payroll Change
• Payroll Warrant to be approved for June 26, 2020: $ 235,632.10 • Accts Payable Warrant to be approved for June 30, 2020: $ 273,469.03 • Accts Payable Warrant to be approved for July 1, 2020: $ 337,233.71 • Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved: NONE • Unorganized Territory TIF Warrant to be approved: NONE
Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:45 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Present were: Commissioners and Administrator Collins.Session ended at 10:33 a.m. No votes taken. Meeting Adjourned-
Commissioner Cushing moved to adjourn the meeting for public session at 10:34 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.
Certified By: Administrator, William Collins Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner