Penobscot County Commissioners' Minutes from April 28, 2020
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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes April 28, 2020 2281 9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Andre Cushing and Laura Sanborn 39°
Roll call was taken at 0900 with all three Commissioners present via team viewer.
Approval of Minutes –
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve March 10, March 31, April 7 and April 14, 2020 meeting minutes. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.
PRCC Update –
Director Chris Lavoie reported his center was very touched with the outpouring of support from the community during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. Director Lavoie’s team was treated with goodies and a special meal sent in from Commissioner Cushing.
Last week was the first meeting held with the tentative vendor for the Radio Project, RCM. They are working on selecting tower sites to optimize coverage throughout the county.
An Informational PowerPoint on the project will be sent to the commissioners by the end of the week for their review.
Last Friday there was a protest about the jail. The honking of the horns really disrupted 911 and business line calls to the point where callers and our staff could not hear one another. One PRCC employee was parked on Court Street and their vehicle was struck by a protestor.
UT Update –
Administrator, Bill Collins reported the following for UT Director, Shaw Weeks:
An Application for placing four (4) poles on the Mud Pond Road in Prentiss, which Director Weeks recommends approving. Commissioner Cushing moved to grant this request. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. Docu-Signed.
An invoice that was submitted for Penobscot County to pay in regards to a fire that Medway Fire responded. The forest service does not feel responsible to pay. After listening to the 911 call, it was evident that the fire department over stepped their boundaries. Commissioner Sanborn moved to deny payment. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to deny passed 3-0. EMA Update –
EMA Director Michelle LaBree reported the following:
EMA continues to take PPE request from hospitals, long term health facilities and healthcare systems. They have started getting requests from dental offices preparing to reopen. Dental offices are not on the list since they are private “for-profit” businesses so EMA has to make them aware they do not qualify. Those dental clinics that serve under insured/uninsured do qualify. EMA does educate those dental business resources to look into for the PPE gear. One of the requirements to receiving PPE from the CDC is that you must have a respiratory plan in place as well as fit testing for those wearing N95 masks. The Maine Army National Guard has teams out to help those long term care facilities with these requirements so they can received additional masks, if needed. Michelle is unsure on “when” the guards’ assets would come to Penobscot County; however, we do have a local resource that we are using to fill this need.
Director LaBree answered a question from Commissioner Baldacci about there being enough PPE for everyone and unfortunately there is a nationwide shortage however; the CDC continues to order and distribute PPE as often as they can. There are private businesses that are making and selling PPE as well.
Commissioner Baldacci asked about testing capabilities and Director LaBree responded that there is no back log of testing, there are multiple companies helping with the testing outside of the State lab. Healthcare and First responders are a priority and Northern Light is said to be able to give results in approximately 70 minutes.
Update on the alternate care site in Bangor is the same last week. EMA has been notified that the Penobscot Nation has been working with FEMA and the Army Corp of Engineers on a possible site in Old Town. EMA has requested a community meeting to hear what their needs and challenges are. I am also concerned that if we have two sites so close together it will exhaust our healthcare resources, when they are already stretched thin.
Brad is handling the Coronavirus supplemental funding grant. EMA has reached out to all the communities to send in their requests by May 8th. Bill is coordinating the review group – once that is completed Brad will complete the actual application for the County and submit. We do not have a timeframe on when the grants are approved and funding is actually received, but they have said it was a quick turnaround. Deeds Update –
Administrator, Bill Collins reported the following for Register of Deeds, Susan Bulay:
Registrar Bulay is requesting that when the County allow the general public back into the building, if some sort of protective barrier could be provided at the main desk. Maintenance Director Ayer is searching this. He will provide information and cost of the project. Commissioner Baldacci recently outfitted his office with a barrier and states the cost is relatively inexpensive and feels this is a reasonable precaution.
Administration Update –
Administrator Collins participated last Tuesday in the Legislation Policy Committee via conference call. Discussion included sending a letter to the Governor in assisting in opening up the State for business. Post meeting discussion resulted in Commissioner Amy Fowler plans to resign her position as President of MCCA. Vice President Mike Cote has said he has no plans to assume the Presidents’ position. There will be a conference call with County Commissioners as what to do next.
The final interviews for the Assistant Finance Director Position were held last Friday. Director Honey will contact the number one of candidate and make her an of offer employment.
Commissioner Cushing moved to extend the closure of the County Building until May 15, 2020. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.
PRCC sponsored blood drive scheduled for May 5th has been cancelled.
The advertised Patrol Deputy position for the Town of Carmel will close today.
Correspondence has been received from Bed, Bath and Beyond on furloughed employees in the Bangor store; HH Brown Shoe operations in Dexter has reduced its staff too.
There was a formal protest for reduction of inmates in jail this past Friday on Court and Hammond Streets. District Attorney and Sheriff’s Offices were aware of the protest.
Payroll Change Notices signed for: Louis St. Pierre – Payroll Change; Jordanna Sprague – Comp time;
Payroll Warrant to be approved for week ending 4/17: $227,716.09 Payroll Warrant to be approved for week ending 4/24: $224,109.33 Accts Payable Warrant to be approved for week ending 4/21: $35,645.98 Accts Payable Warrant to be approved for week ending 4/28: $493,445.73 Accts Payable Warrant to be approved for week ending 4/28 (PILT): $2,249.43 Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for week ending 4/28: $39,085.29: Unorganized Territory TIF Warrant to be approved for: $6,748.28 Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the payroll, accounts payable and TIF warrants as presented. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.
Commissioner Cushing made a motion to close the public session of this meeting.
Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0 at 9:38 a.m. Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:42 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D) Contract Matter. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Present were: Commissioners, Administrator Bill Collins, Finance Director Judy Alexander, Director Lavoie and Deputy Director Lilley. Session ended at 10:04 a.m. No votes taken.
Meeting Adjourned-
Commissioner Cushing moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0
Certified By: Administrator, William Collins Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner