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Penobscot County Commissioners' Agenda for September 10, 2019

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FOR SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 9:00 Approval of August 27 and September 3, 2019 Meeting Minutes 9:05 UT Update – Barbara Veilleux and George Buswell 9:15 Deeds Update – Susan Bulay 9:25 EMA Update – Michelle Labree & Brad Nuding 9:35 EMA (Dept. 3) Budget Presentation – Michelle Labree & Brad Nuding 9:40 Finance (Dept. 7) Budget Presentation – Judy Alexander 9:50 Administration (Dept. 6) Budget Presentation – Bill Collins 9:55 Administration Update – Bill Collins 10:05 Public Comment 10:10 Executive Session- 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D) Contract Matter - Bill Collins, John Hiatt, Sheriff Morton and Chief Deputy Birch 10:25 Executive Session- 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D) Contract Matter - Bill Collins, John Hiatt and Erika Honey 10:40 Open 10:45 Open


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