Penobscot County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for February 5, 2019
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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes February 5, 2019 2225 9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Laura Sanborn and 39° Andre Cushing (Absent)
Approval of Minutes -
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve January 15th, 2019 meeting minutes. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2-0.
Sheriff’s Update –
Sheriff stated that today’s jail population is 168 (136 males, 32 females) with 69 boarded out to other county jails. There are no federal inmates, no county swaps and 85 inmates in Pre-Trial Services.
Sheriff reported struggling with finding free beds as other counties are in the same predicament. We are paying for 12 beds in Cumberland but due to their needing their own space as there are no extra beds.
Sheriff met with Terry Thurlow, President of MedPro Associates and has negotiated the contract for additional 24 hour nursing coverage. The Commissioners have asked the Sheriff to start tracking to see how we are saving money by having the 24 hour day nursing coverage. Commissioner Baldacci mentioned that adding to nursing coverage should be included in the Opioid lawsuit as additional expense. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the $240,240 amended proposal with MedPro Associates for additional nursing coverage. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.
The Sheriff attended Criminal Justice/Public Safety Hearings in Augusta last week and met with Commissioners Randall Liberty, Dept. of Corrections and Michael Sauschuck from the Dept. of Public Safety. Commissioner Liberty toured our facility with Inspector Ryan Anderson. We are inspected every two years. Last inspection showed we are over capacity.
Sheriff responded to Commissioner Sanborn’s email regarding the bill LD 264 on the blood draw that MSA is supportive this bill. Sheriff states as long as it reads “allow” and not “must” he feels better about supporting the bill.
The Sheriff will remain on the MSA Legislative Board and as First Vice President for Maine Sheriff’s Association.
Sheriff discussed the Counties Corrections Act of 2019 Legislation which would require the State to reimburse counties for all costs exceeding the tax assessment for correctional services. This bill would require all county jails to participate in best practices, including substance abuse treatment, mental health services and adult education for inmates. MSA conducted their law enforcement alcohol business compliance checks in Penobscot County. A 93% success rate in compliance in the stores is noted. Inspection focuses less on citation and more on notifications to the stores if violations are detected.
Commissioner Sanborn believes we need to be more active in pursuing what the Governor has planned for State funding.
Opening of Certified Police Vehicle Bids
Commissioner Baldacci opened two bids that were submitted for seven (7) police vehicles. These bids were received by the date and time requested.
o Quirk Ford of Augusta – Certified Police Vehicle 2020 Ford Utility Police Interceptor $36,662 per vehicle for a total of $256,634 o Darlings Ford of Bangor – Certified Police Vehicle 2020 Ford Utility Police Interceptor $35,805 per vehicle for a total of $250,635
Commissioner Sanborn moved that we will take the bids under advisement. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion moved 2-0.
Opening of Voice Data Delivery Solutions Bids
Commissioner Baldacci opened the two bids that were submitted to be able to provide a consolidated data and voice delivery solution. These bids were received by the date and time requested and have met all the qualifiers.
o CMC Technology, Farmingdale – total monthly charge for voice and data delivery is $1,034.50/month. No non-recurring charges. Renew for an additional 3 year term until 30 day notice to not to. Director of IT Cliff Warren feels that the $1K is low and does not include long distance charges. o Consolidated Communications (formally Fairpoint) – Provided the cost sheet with options. There were two parts presented with the first being SIP, PRI and Internet Service for a 3 year term. Monthly charges is $1366.71 with installation being waived. EDIA (Ethernet Dedicated Internet Access – Speed Upgrades) all have separate monthly costs with installation being waived.
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to take these bids under advisement. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion moved 2-0. IT Update –
Cliff Warren, IT Director reported that he has been working closely with HP Enterprise for the last month. They are reviewing the after action report of the fire incident that happened in December. There may be something available to add to our existing infrastructure.
Commissioner Baldacci asked Cliff what hurdles are preventing the county in using MS-ISAC that NACo endorses for Internet protection. Cliff has contacted MS-ISAC to answer some of his concerns but has no response back. MS-ISAC is seeking permissions to get inside our network. Cliff is very uncomfortable with this. Commissioner Baldacci requested that Cliff provide Bill Collins an update to Bill so that we can share our concerns with NACo.
Presentation of PowerDMS –
Erika Honey, HR Director and Barbara Veilleux, Director of UT Administration presented a Commissioner’s Action Request concerning what is available to utilize for HR systems. Erika has found that there is a need for a more comprehensive solution for training, document storage and communication with our employees. The existing Document Management System (DMS) being used in Corrections, Law Enforcement, Civil and PRC is a system Erika and Barbara would like to see expanded to use for all County Employees.
LT Keith Hotaling presented a Power DMS an overview on some of the features the Sheriff’s Department currently uses for their department.
o LT Hotaling reported that privileges are grouped in folders. The entire tree is built on hierarchy on an as needed basis. o He stated that since this system is web based, the County IT department doesn’t host the system. If you have internet connection this system can be pulled up anywhere. There is also an application at the app store to have access on your phone. o It isn’t necessary to have a three ring binder. All forms, contract, policies and management can be found on this system. Updates are instantaneously placed with an email alerting the employees of changes. When updates are sent out management/supervisors can see who has read the email. o Each department can utilize this system for their own document management.o Erika feels that this will benefit the County for training. She feels it will be beneficial to use during the orientation process to for new employees. o LT Hotaling commented there is unlimited storage and the only limitation is the size of the document being uploaded. o Dick Hansen was informed that health insurance information could be placed on this system as long as in PDF file.
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve purchasing 50 additional licenses at a total annual cost of $1,384.50 to enable to remaining County Department employees access to Power DMS. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.
UT Update -
Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the TIF agreement for the Eastern Maine Development Corporation for the Katahdin Area Economic Development Director for $86,250 annually for a period of five (5) years with the option of two more years. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Signed.
Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve Regional Animal Control contract with the Town of Hudson as presented. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Signed.
Barbara Veilleux reported that the Town of Milford has decided to use an in-house Animal Control Officer and will end their contract with the County for ACO services for the remainder of the year.
Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the renewal of the snow plow contract with the Town of Chester as presented. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Signed.
Commissioner Sanborn received a request from the Upper Valley Economic Corporation for $ 5K in funding for projects in northern Penobscot County for the operating year of 2019. Barbara will follow up to see if this is a TIF grant request.
Barbara presented a collection of photographs from Mr. Rackliff’s junkyard. Although there has been progress, it is still a mess. Deputy District Attorney Demarco has recommended we contact civil attorney Roger Huber before we proceed further.
The heavy rain storm of January 21st resulted in several areas of significant washouts in Greenfield. It took 225 yards of gravel to complete repairs. The cost was just over $3,300.
There has been minor flooding on Rt. 116 in Argyle. The DOT has been working with us to correct the problem.
Barbara states that there is a public hearing Thursday of a bill going before the Transportation Committee that would restrict the posting of public roads. A citizen from Stetson spoke to Barbara regarding concerns of the dirt road she lives on. Barbara believes we will most likely be receiving a petition in the spring from residents when conditions warrant.
We have only received interest from one citizen to fill the vacant LUPC seat. This position doesn’t close until Friday, February 8th.
Commissioner Baldacci asked Barbara how she feels about Penobscot County taking a position on the of the LUPC adjacency rule change that Hancock County has taken opposition to. Barbara feels there is a lot of misunderstanding and municipalities are given the opportunity to make the choice to opt out if they wish. She would not recommend a position in opposition.
Probate Update –
Renee Stupak reported that all the Probate Judges and Registers from all over the State met on January 25th to discuss the new statutes that are to start July 1st.
The Judiciary Committee will meet with legislators to discuss their concerns of these new changes. If passed as presented there will be considerable cost to counties as every new guardianship would require a lawyer be provided whether it was a contested case or not.
Another new statute is the rules and regulations for guardian’s vs wards. Any changes with living arranges must be reported to the State. They are also some new changes for visitors with orders from the court.
There is also a proposal to make probate judges state judges. Three (3) full time judges would travel the State.
Temporary guardianship, the visitor or attorney currently have ten days to present that order and petition; the proposal is reduce this time to 48 hours. At all hearings, the petitioner has to appear on video or telephonically. Currently, we will have to pay for video conferencing (which is an issue). The theory is to have the State pay for video software, though a plan is not certain.
Buildings Update –
Cap Ayer reported he spoke to Aaron Newcomb regarding the contracted work. Aaron hasn’t yet been able to provide a start or completion date. He will get back to Cap.
The Wellness Center showers are completed with exception of curtains.
Cap reported that there is a crew in place to paint the Commissioners Room next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. HR Update –
Erika Honey, Human Relations Director reported that we received the Health benefit summaries that she will be circulating to participating employees this week.
VOYA will be providing informational sessions on campus Wednesday night and Thursday.
The Sexual Harassment training that was conducted last week had 50% of our staff participate. There will be some make up sessions in the coming months.
Erika reported she had three no lost time work related injuries this last week and a new employee orientation scheduled this week.
There is a career fair at UMaine tomorrow in which a couple of our departments are participating. Going forward, Erika will provide support and reach out to other career fairs.
Erika is focusing on drafts on return to work policies and restricted work policies. FMLA and workers compensation now will be handed by her for all departments.
There is discussion on use of intranet for Human Resources so that the employees can connect to see their benefits on Power DMS.
Public Comment –
Richard Hansen stated that “Books a Million” may be able to donate reference books to the jail. He reported that if there was a cost, there are people that would gladly donate monies. It was suggested that he should convey this information to the Sheriff. Commissioner Baldacci states that Literacy Volunteers and Bangor Library have been taking steps on getting self-help books to the jail and the criticism we have been hearing is more in the past.
Administration Update –
Sheriff’s Office reported that a package of suspicious material was dropped in the lobby of the jail and the Sheriff’s Office is now in lock-down.
We will be responding shortly to BDN on their FOIA request.
Bill provided an update on the Opioids Litigation as of February 2019. Bill asked if there was anything that Penobscot County should be doing other than gathering data. He was told that there is nothing specific.
Bill presented an update from Finance Director Judy Alexander, that all towns’ tax bills are now paid. There will be letters going out to those who didn’t pay before November 1 requesting interest payments.
The Sheriff’s vehicles that went out to bid are starting to be picked up. Bill presented pictures of our maintenance vehicle that had been struck in the parking lot and has been damaged. They are looking at videos to identify who hit the vehicle.
Payroll Change Notices signed for: Blake Miller - Comp time. Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 237,584 Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $650,382.32 UT A/P Warrant to be approved for : $ 124,964.93 UT TIF Warrant to be approved for: $ 5,000
Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 11:00 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D) Contract Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins and Erika Honey. Session ended at 11:28 a.m. No votes taken.
Meeting Adjourned-
Commissioner Sanborn moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:29 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Moved to approve 2-0.