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Penobscot County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for December 4th, 2018

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes December 4, 2018 2217 9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Laura Sanborn and Andre Cushing 29°

Commissioner Baldacci opened the meeting with a moment of silence for our beloved summer Maine resident former President George H. W. Bush.

Administrative Update –

Bill Collins provided the EMA update for Director Michelle Tanguay o EMA held the local responders meeting last week. They reviewed processes on resource requests, sheltering and helpful tips on Form 7’s for their municipalities. o This Thursday evening they will be offering the ICS 402 course for elected officials. This is a requirement to receiving grants from the State. Deputy Director Brad Nuding will be the lead instructor with Bangor Fire Chief Tom Higgins. o EMA is hosting a Training and Exercise workshop next week with our partners (locals, ANG, non-profits) to look at our County EMA needs/requirements. This is a three year plan, however, it is updated annually. o Brad is attending the annual Coast Guard/River ice meeting at MEMA next week. Michelle showed him areas of the Penobscot River that is prone to flooding and potential river ice problems. o EMA is working with the 111th CST team on a regional exercise in Bangor next year. They will be working on a fuel supply disaster planning and reunification.

Judy Harrison from the Bangor Daily News has been provided the jail advisory committee list.

Kennebec Behavioral Health, a former tenant is requesting to purchase parking permits. There was discussion on them paying more than the commercial rate given to tenants and County employees. The Commissioners wish to revisit this discussion at a future meeting.

Town of Veazie reached out to Bill to find the Spirit of America Recognition awards. Commissioner Sanborn commented that they had been delivered to the school.

Judy and Bill will be attending the HAN notification system meeting with EMA on Friday.

Probation & Parole is holding an active shooter event on Franklin Street this Friday from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 pm.

Bangor Fire Department was called in between 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. Our Novac system in the IT room was activated. There is no active fire but an odor reflecting an electrical concern. PRCC has activated the backup phone system. Also our Spillman System, telephones and internet are currently down.

Joseph Quinn – Hired Part-time; Gerald Carstensen, Steven Saucier and John Knappe – Payroll changes

Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 288,971.92 Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $ 381,958.51 Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for: $166,875.71 Unorganized Territory – TIF Funds to be approved for: $32,150.00

Public Comment –

Doug Dunbar, resident of Hermon, read a letter that he had written to LT. Babb last December with his concerns regarding the organization of the jail staff and operations. Doug feels that he is an advocate for inmates since he was once an inmate himself. Doug feels that the culture in the jail is toxic.

John Hiatt, resident of Bangor, as incoming County Treasurer feels that the article in today’s paper needs to be looked at with caution. We need to look at both sides of the story.

Commissioner Baldacci then explained the timeline of events. We first heard a complaint through our Human Relations director who was notified of possible misconduct from a staff member. This information then was shared with the Sheriff and a possible Criminal investigation was immediately opened. An individual of concern resigned and two other employees were disciplined. There is a challenge within the culture of the jail. We are currently working on addressing this through additional training and classes with the jail staff. The Commissioners are supportive of the Sheriff and his department as the investigation is ongoing. Commissioner Baldacci wanted to let it be known that the County will not tolerate this type of conduct.

Sheriff Morton then responded in regards to the investigation he cannot say much since it is ongoing. The Sheriff first heard from the HR Director in August. He was very concerned and disappointed. Once concerning information was shared it was taken seriously and swift action takes place. Sheriff states that he is also making every effort to protect the integrity of the agency of those employees who come to work every day and do a good job.

Sheriff went on to state the next steps are stepping up management being in the jail and continue having an open door policy. Continue ongoing training with officers and supervisors. Sheriff stated there is still an open position for assistant jail Administrator.

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:40 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Dan Tremble, Sheriff Morton, Captain Clukey, LT Hotaling, and LT Babb. Session ended at 10:25 a.m. No votes taken. Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:45 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Judy Alexander and Dan Tremble. Session ended at 11:20 a.m. No votes taken.

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Cushing moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:22 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.

Certified By: Administrator, William Collins Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner

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