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Penobscot County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes from September 25, 2018

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes September 25, 2018 2207

9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci and Laura Sanborn – Present 46°

Approval of Minutes -

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve September 11th, 2018 meeting minutes. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2-0.

Sheriff’s Update –

Sheriff Morton stated that today’s jail population is 170 with 48 boarded out. There are no federal inmates and 41 inmates in Pre-Trial Services.

Sheriff states that pre-trial services has a new case worker trained and in place.

There were five inmates that had to be brought to the hospital in one day.

One of our northern deputies came across an out of state abandoned vehicle in Chester. The deputy ran the plates and it didn’t show up stolen, but went one step beyond and contacted the Sheriff’s Office from that locality. He found out that the registered owner of the vehicle was recently found deceased under "suspicious" circumstances and an arrest warrant had been issued.

Last Wednesday there was a motor vehicle crash in Eddington where an 86 year old male was involved. After investigating, it turned out to be a medical event.

Sheriff mentioned that "Not by Works", a Christian Rock band performed twice for the inmates in the recreational yard last weekend. This was the third year that they performed and it is well received.

Sheriff’s (Department 12) Budget Presentation-

Bill Collins interjected before the start of the presentation that he wanted the Commissioners to take in account that we are still in active labor negotiations. The payroll lines are rough numbers at this time.

Sheriff has added a new line for Officer Buyout. This is used in the event we pay another agency for their cost incurred for the academy. The health insurance increases has yet to be amended. The preliminary number have been received from MMA regarding workmen’s comp.

Sheriff has been hosting additional training with the help of EMA thus saving in costs of travel and lodging, but registration and training reflect a slight increase.

Sheriff explained that the increase in clothing uniforms is up because of the purchase of body armor. The grants that had been used previously are no longer available. Vests are guaranteed for five years, then need to be replaced.

Capital – Equipment. Commissioner Baldacci stated that the department has budgeted increases in Communications, Motor Vehicles, and the Computer Equipment lines.

o The communications line is for the radio increase. This is due to the direction PRCC is taking. Radios would be good for both digital and analog communications and are being bought in advance to have on hand.

o Public safety has an increase for lights and radar. These need to be swapped out every seven years. The cost of installation on the new SUV’s is more.

o Troy plans on purchasing seven vehicles and budgeted an additional $35,000 compared to 2018. LT Hotaling explains the increase is because the manufacturers Ford, GM and Chrysler no longer have government subsidies on their vehicles. We will be paying closer to retail on these vehicles going forward.

o The Hermon vehicle for the one supervisor position that employed by the County and not the town is included in the $260 K. Hermon pays $8,500 a year toward to the vehicle which shows up as revenue.

Commissioner Baldacci expressed concern of the 18.72% increase ($54 K) on the equipment lines and said that a final decision cannot be made without further discussion.

Sheriff then presented the department’s budgeted revenue which shows a 3.11% increase. This increase comes from renewal of contracts with the current towns that is serviced by our Deputies.

Civil (Department 13) Budget Presentation -

Sheriff Troy Morton presented the Civil Department 13 Budget. This department consists of two full time civil deputies, one full time clerical and approximately ten part time deputies. There are two increases reflected in the entire budget for 2019.

o Uniforms and clothing line, Sheriff wants to ensure that monies for body armor are available for the full time civil servers.

o The other increase is for a motor vehicle. Sheriff acknowledged the department cycles through vehicles in the same manner as the Sheriff Department (based on mileage and service years). Sheriff states these vehicles get a little longer life because they are not service vehicles. Commissioner Baldacci noted that there is $ 49 K escrowed for vehicle purchases.

UT Update –

Barbara Veilleux presented the following budget requests for 2019-2020.

o Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve $5,500 for Argyle Cemetery Association. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

o Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve $5,000 for Kingman Cemetery. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

o Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve $8,695 for Prentiss Cemetery Association. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

o Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve $23,575 for Kingman Fire. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

George Buswell interjected that he showed the crew from the Sheriff’s Department the cemeteries the he has going to need help with.

George stated that he plans to run again for a seat on the Maine Resource Recovery Associations board of directors.

George informed the Commissioners that the towns are starting to fill their sheds in preparation of winter with salt and sand.

PRCC Update –

Chris Lavoie sent the RFQ to the radio consultant and has received a draft. Chris found out that the $1200 will cover his trip back to Bangor to speak to the Radio Committee.

Chris has been in contact with Emily Jennifer to develop a class for PRCC personnel with concentration on stressful situations.

Chris invited the Commissioners to their staff meeting that is scheduled for tomorrow. This meeting will include direction that PRCC is taking, along with awards and food.

Interviews will be held for the open supervisor position next week.

Staffing: there was a recent dispatcher resignation this week. Chris is waiting for the drug screen on an applicant to see whether they will be moved on. The call taker advertisement closed on Friday in which interviews will be scheduled.

Jim Ryan spoke to Col. Cote from the State Police in regards to the towers and will be willing to speak to the Radio Committee on what frequencies should be used.

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:50 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (E) Contract Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Dan Tremble, Sheriff Morton and LT Hotaling. Session ended at 10:25. No votes taken.

Public Comment –

Don Dudley, Secretary/Treasurer and Jon Marshall, Vice-President of the Matagamon Lake Association came to publically thank the Commissioners for their support in the Matagamon Lake Dam Repair. They appreciate the $ 100 K grant funding on this project that was made possible from TIF funds.

Administrative Update –

Commissioner Baldacci stated he received a call from the Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap to inform him that he has sworn in our third Penobscot County Commissioner, Andre Cushing, III.

Bill reminded the Commissioners that tomorrow at 5:30 pm the Budget Committee Caucus will take place.

The budget hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th.

Bill met with Bangor City Engineers, Building Committee member Jim Ring in regards what could be done with Court Street if necessary for construction of a new Jail.

Bill forwarded an email on the Opioid lawsuit regarding Penobscot County which will be forwarded to the attorney’s.

All recipients have been contacted from Mr. Flaherty for the Spirit of America that will be hosted by Penobscot County on October 9th.

The CRAS system has been fixed by the State.

Payroll change notices: Tracy Hall – Promoted; Kelly Fennelly– Probationary Period Ended; Brocke Robinson - Resignation; George Buswell – Comp Time.

Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 219,963.51

Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $ 94,534.59

Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for: -NONE-

Public Comment – None

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:45 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Dan Tremble, and Chris Lavoie. Session ended at 11:07 a.m. No votes taken.

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 11:08 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Dan Tremble, and Jim Ryan. Session ended at 11:44 a.m. No Votes taken.

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Sanborn moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Moved to approve 2-0.

Certified By:

Administrator, William Collins

Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman

Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner

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