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Penobscot County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes from August 28th, 2018

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes August 28, 2018 2203

9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci and Laura Sanborn – Present 72°

BJA JAG review for City of Bangor and Penobscot County –

Sheriff Morton came before the Commissioners’ to report that the Sheriff’s office with Bangor Police Department applied and was awarded a Bureau of Justice Assistance grant (JAG) direct allocation funds in the amount of $21,623. Sheriff’s Office allowance of a little of $10 K would be used to partially fund a system to secure and lock firearms in the SUV patrol vehicles. Bangor intends to use their funds to upgrade their drug testing machine, safety equipment, polygraph chair and training for their public relations officer.

Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the JAG grant to partially fund the equipment to secure and lock firearms in the SUV patrol vehicles. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

Sheriff’s Update –

Sheriff Morton stated that today’s jail population is 186 (148 males, 38 females) with 65 boarded out to other county jails. There are no federal inmates; 49 inmates in Pre-Trial Services and one county swap.

Sheriff reported that he met with Elizabeth Simone of Pre-Trial Services and the new supervisor that oversees Penobscot County. Interviews were being held for a new case manager for Maine Pre-Trial in which the Sheriff was invited to participate.

Sheriff has been in communication with Peter Schleck the new Clerk of Court for the Penobscot Judicial Center. Sheriff is encouraged with the relationship that is being developed. Peter has toured our jail in order to get a better understanding of the situation. Peter has spent a great deal of time in the intake area, witnessed video arraignments and the visitors contact and non-contact seating arrangements that have been challenging for attorneys. Peter sat with the Sheriff and went over the Pre-trial spreadsheet for a better understanding of what is needed to make things work. Sheriff feels Mr. Schleck will be an advocate for the jail situation.

Sheriff spoke of the Annual Awards barbecue that was held last Tuesday. The following were recognized for their service with the Sheriff’s Office.

o Cpl Chaz Gray – Corrections Officer of the Year

o Cpl Ryan Fitch – Deputy of the Year

o Vanessa Holmes – Employee of the Year

o Marc Curtis – Part-time Office of the Year

o Wally Fraser – Special Recognition for his work with CHCS inside and outside the jail facility dealing with mental illness.

o Angel Shaw – Special Recognition for her work from working with Rape Response through Penquis. She provided service for the female population in the jail with classes with guest speakers every week covering topics such as budgeting, parenting and self-esteem. It was much more than domestic violence awareness, it empowered women when leaving the facility to move on.

Sheriff has three possible openings in law enforcement. Sheriff will advertise.

UT Update –

Barbara Veilleux and George Buswell inspected the proposed military training site. Barbara shared pictures of this site. It is very remote and difficult to access as it is located at an old gravel pit with no signs of any installation of septic systems. There are geological test holes being dug and thus far there are no permit applications in the works.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve certification for the snowmobile grant program through Matagamon for trail grooming. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Signed.

Barbara shared pictures taken last Wednesday of the Prentiss junkyard. The photos reflect Mr. Rackliff additional clutter. ADA Devon Demarco came before the Commissioners and discussed the case and what options are available for September 4th during the dispositional conference with the Judge. Barbara stated that she has provided Mr. Rackliff with a transfer station sticker to Springfield as well as noting there is free road side service to pick up trash that is now littering the property.

Barbara and George along with Representative Stephen Stanley met with the Katahdin area leaders on the LUPC proposed rule changes in the UT. There was little support for the changes. The group felt the county instigated these changes. The concerns voiced was that if development is allowed in the UT, the towns will lose the opportunity for development in their towns. It was suggested that contracts could be renegotiated to cover new service requirements. Ben Godsoe of the LUPC would be willing to attend an informational meeting at Penobscot County on September 20th.

Barbara and George spoke with Fred Michaud in regards to the application for TIF funding for the Katahdin Woods and Waterway sites.

Barbara and George met with Peter Crockett from Argyle Township to look at his new design for a canoe trailer. He plans on filing a TIF application. Barbara spoke to a couple members of the TIF committee. They do not feel he needs to have a patent in order to complete an application.

Craig Hill, Mt. Chase Fire Chief contacted Barbara to see if TIF funds could be used to purchase a used pick-up truck. Craig would like to turn it into a brush truck that would be used to perform rescues in areas where fire trucks/ambulances cannot get to.

Barbara stated that it appears they will be receiving $579K in TIF funds this year.

Barbara and George plan on attending a training session and meeting with members of the Kingman Fire Department on Sunday, September 9th.

Barbara states that she was contracted by Deputy Stone in regards to a woman living in a mobile home in Prentiss with no running water or sanitation. Adult Protectives Services has been contacted and Barbara may be involved since there are 14 dogs living in the home with her and may be needed in removing the dogs.

NWDB Update –

Joanna Russell presented a letter from Senator King’s office to Secretary Acosta, Secretary of Labor.

Joanna states that she still has yet to see the letter from DOL. Senator Collins wrote a letter requesting a copy of it and she was referred to Governor LePage’s office since it was sent there. Joanna is asking for guidance as to what can be done under the Sunshine Law in order to receive a copy of the letter from DOL. Commissioner Baldacci recommended that she could file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office. Joanna states that she and five other individuals have requested for a copy through FOIA a copy of the letter and it has been dismissed by the Governor’s Office.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion for Commissioner Baldacci to take the seat once held by Commissioner Tom Davis representing Penobscot County on the NWDB board. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Moved 2-0.

DA’s Office Update –

Kristine Higgins came before the Commissioners to request their approval for two candidates as clerical specialists in her office. Approved.

Sheila Leavitt will not be available to come back and assist in the training of the new employees. Therefore Kristine is requesting an additional week of overtime. Commissioners will consider.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion for criminal forfeited monies in the amount of $ 295 be used to pay for tuition for a class for an assistant district attorney. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

PRCC Update –

Chris Lavoie states that there were 3,293 incident calls received and 1,358 9-1-1 calls. Chris is unable to report on business calls due to still having issues with the software. Chris does have a senior operator working with the company to try and rectify the problems.

Chris still has not received the detailed analysis for the radio project from Norm Boucher the radio consultant.

Chris states that two more call takers start next week. Chris says that there are still two openings he will need to fill for call takers as well as two more positions for dispatcher.

Interviews were held for the Administrative Assistant position. An announcement will be made during executive session.

Jim Ryan is working on his report for the Commissioners. He has two interviews left and should be able finish it up.

Jim says he will be attending a meeting next week with the fire chiefs.

PRCC has recently mounted a 42" screen for incoming calls from Spillman. This will be used as backup of calls that haven’t been dispatched yet.

Jim reports that on the new call taker consoles there are lights hooked up for 911 calls.

Lastly, Jim is requesting permission to check pricing to replace the radio room carpeting. It has been installed since 2008 and it is in very rough shape. Jim believes that it should be less than $4K and they should be able to do their own installation.

Probate Update –

Renee Stupak reported to the Commissioners that DHHS is no longer appointing private individuals for guardianship. This may be a cost increase to the Probate Office.

Renee states that this issue will be discussed at the MARP meeting.

Deeds Update -

Susan Bulay came to the Commissioners with old maps in various states of disrepair. Susan reports that she has 34 books that need to be restored which is a very expensive.

Bill Stewart from Kofile Technologies came by the office at Susan’s request to look at the maps in question. Bill was unable to give an estimate on the maps until they’ve been examined in a lab to see what type of glue is holding the maps to the linen or cardboard.

Susan states that she has used funds for this type of restoration through the surcharge line. It was discussed that more information is needed before being able to commit to one vendor. Commissioner Baldacci acknowledged that these maps do need to be restored.

Finance Update –

Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the proposal from Machias Savings Bank with a 1.75% interest rate on deposits with a three year commitment. At any time the Commissioners can choose to opt out if we cannot come to a consensus on future rates. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Signed.

Judy Alexander reported she deposited approximately $2.2 M tax dollars last week. Judy provided the Commissioners an up to date list of the towns that have paid their tax bills.

Judy paid off the higher interest loan with the monies she received from tax revenues.

Judy noted a large account payable this week was due to the Sheriff’s new patrol vehicles being purchased and three new workstations for PRCC.

Administrative Update –

Bill and the Sheriff are still looking to coordinate dates for the FOP line and supervisor’s negotiations as well as AFSCME correction officers and dispatcher units.

Bill states that he has placed the ads for the two director position. There will be an article on the loss of PRCC Director, Chad LaBree.

Bill provided the Commissioners an article put out by MMA of their interviews of the candidates running for Governor.

Bill informed the Commissioners that a few of the department heads are taking time off.

Bill informed the Commissioners that Ryan Fitzpatrick will be hosting a working group of sale of marijuana in the UT.

Bruce Flaherty and Bill agreed on the Spirit of America awards being held on October 9th in the Great Room. There are still a few items that need to be ironed out.

Bill stated he has more information to speak to regarding insurance for retiree’s during executive session.

Payroll change notices signed for: Suzanne Labun, Jonathan Tenney, Jacob Hammond, and Sara Rogers – Hired Full-Time; Donna Fish, Jessica Luna, and Michael Morin – Step increases; Douglas Libby – Change of Schedule; Laura Craig – Resigning full-time – going part-time; Thomas Davis – Deceased; Tracy Hall, Bradley Fitzgerald, George Buswell, and Terry Sullivan – Comp Time.

Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 210,634.23

Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $ 338,205.50

Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for: $ -NONE-

Public Comment – None.

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:25 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Dan Tremble and Barbara Veilleux. Session ended at 10:34. No votes taken.

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:35 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Dan Tremble, Chris Lavoie and Jim Ryan. Session ended at 10:57. No votes taken.

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:58 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Dan Tremble and Dick Hansen. Session ended at 11:23 a.m. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve an Elected Official Retiree Plan for Health Insurance. After 24 years of County Service the employee would be entitled to 50% for coverage compensated by the County toward the retiree Plan. After 30 years of service the employee would be entitled to 75% for coverage compensated by the County toward the retiree Plan. After 30 years of service to the County by an employee their spouse would be entitled to 50% for coverage compensated by the County upon the employee’s death. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2 – 0.

Public Comment—None.

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Sanborn moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:33 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Moved to approve 2-0.

Certified By:

Administrator, William Collins

Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman

Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner

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