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Penobscot County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for August 21st, 2018

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes August 21, 2018 2202

9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci and Laura Sanborn – Present 61°

Approval of Minutes -

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the August 14th, 2018 meeting minutes. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2-0.

Sheriff’s Update –

Sheriff Troy Morton asked for a moment of silence to remember Commissioner Davis who passed away last week.

Sheriff Morton stated that today’s jail population is 187 (142 males, 45 females) with 71 boarded out to other county jails. There are no federal inmates, 48 inmates in Pre-Trial Services and three one-for-one county swaps.

Sheriff reported that he received an email from Peter Schleck introducing himself as the new Clerk of Court at the Bangor Judicial Building. Sheriff felt this is a great sign that Peter reached out. Hopefully we will be able to work together on pre-trial inmates.

Sheriff states that a Penobscot County resident that has been hospitalized at Maine Medical Center in Portland is ready to be released. There is discussion of where he could be incarcerated. His medical conditions are so severe, that our Jail is not equipped to care for his needs.

Sheriff plans on attending the MCCA conference in September. He will be meeting with the executive officers of MSA and MCCA Executive Director Charlie Pray to make sure we are in agreement on Legislation this fall.

Sheriff reports that Ryan Anderson who left DOC is coming back as an inspector.

UT Update –

Barbara Veilleux received an email from Jim Gramlich, an environmental specialist from DEP. Barbara had requested assistance for Ms. Merry’s complaint about her neighbor’s outdoor wood boiler. Mr. Gramlich stated that the neighbor is operating the boiler within DEP limits set in their regulations.

George Buswell is in Greenfield this morning with the paving crew. The Myra Road reclaim was completed yesterday with the paving to be completed today. This will wrap up the paving season.

Barbara, George and a deputy from PSCO attended the Carmel Selectman’s meeting last night in regards to public safety on Rt 2 in Carmel. It was well attended from plow drivers, the fire chief as well as many residents. DOT explained that this is the lowest priority road and is slated for light capital paving. DOT has agreed to place shim in the worse spots in the next couple weeks. The Town Manager did well in letting everyone speak. DOT explained that this is not just a State problem but a national problem.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve new road names in T2 R8 WELS for Bedrock Road, Hawk Haven, North Shore Road, Whitecap Way and Honeysuckle Lane. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion Approved 2-0.

Barbara presented the Commissioners with pictures taken yesterday of the Prentiss junkyard case. ADA Devon Demarco wanted to know if the Commissioners are satisfied with the clean-up efforts by Mr. Rackliff and if so the case could be dismissed. The Commissioners requested Barbara to further assess the situation and get back to them with her opinion. We can then advise the ADA closer to the September 4th court date.

Representative Stephen Stanley invited Barbara, George and Commissioner Sanborn to meet with the Katahdin area leaders on the LUPC proposed Land Adjacency rule changes tomorrow night.

PRCC Update –

Jim Ryan states that he is still meeting with local chiefs for their feedback.

Jim reported that he is familiarizing himself with the Radio Tower project RFP before the consultant Norm Boucher arrives.

Jim contacted the FCC and found out there is a program identifying cellular towers within Penobscot County. If we can add repeaters to these towers we can save money on rental fees.

Finance Update –

Judy Alexander reported that last week we deposited approximately $1.3 M of tax dollars. Judy provided the Commissioners a list of the towns that have paid to date.

Commissioner Sanborn motioned to approve the CCA funding report for 2017-18. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion Approved 2-0. Signed.

Judy spoke of the proposal from Beth Heywood and Nicki Pellenz from Machias Savings Bank offering Penobscot County 1.75% interest rate on deposits for a three year commitment. After discussion the Commissioners would like Judy to clarify if MSB changes rates during a recession the County can have an opt-out clause. Judy will get back to the Commissioners on that.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve A-Copi Kinney for the Sheriff’s Office copier bid for two new copiers following Judy’s recommendation. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion Approved 2-0.

Judy has heard that $1.8M of the jail funding monies will be received tomorrow. Once the monies are deposited, Judy will be pay off the credit line.

DA’s Office Update –

Kristine Higgins informed the Commissioners another clerical specialist has submitted their resignation with the last day being this Friday. Kristine will be interviewing for two open positions next week. She said that it is going to be at least a month until the positions are filled and the office is fully staffed.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve 20 hours per week in overtime spread out among the remaining clerical specialists in the DA’s office. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion Approved 2-0.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve up to 25 hours a week for 30 days for Sheila Leavitt at $15.01. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion Approved 2-0.

Public Comment –

Christopher Swift, a resident of Woodville was in the audience requesting information on the Secretary of State’s announcement of a special election on November 6th for Commissioner Davis’ District 2 seat.

District Two includes the municipalities of Bradford, Carmel, Charleston, Corinna, Corinth, Dexter, Dixmont, Etna, Exeter, Garland, Glenburn, Hampden, Hermon, Hudson, Kenduskeag, Levant, Newburgh, Newport, Orrington, Plymouth and Stetson.

Nomination papers are due to the Office of the Secretary of State by September 13th. The Candidate who secures the seat will serve until December 31st, 2020.

Administrative Update –

Bill reports that he and the Sheriff are identifying new dates for the FOP line and supervisors negotiations.

Bill states that he is in placing ads for the PRCC and HR Director Positions in this weekend’s newspaper as well as on our county website.

Bill mentioned our share of the Jail Funding is $2,727,647 with the $1.8M being deposited tomorrow and the remaining being deposited 90 days after adjournment.

Bill notified the Commissioners that interviews will be held this Friday for PRCC Administrative Assistant.

Payroll change notices signed for: Bradley Nuding – Hired Deputy Director EMA; Rebecca Woodard, Christina Hughes and Erik Candage – Resignation; Michelle Tanguay – Pay Increase; Douglas Libby – Change of Hours; Terry Sullivan – Comp Time.

Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 215,626.59

Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $ 48,600.48

Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for: $ 11,215.17

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:50 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (E) Contract Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Dan Tremble, Judy Alexander and Dick Hansen. Session ended at 10:37 a.m. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve signing a new contract for 2019 with Cigna for County Health Insurance with a (0%) zero percent increase and continuation of $ 20,000 toward the County Wellness program. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2 – 0.

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Sanborn moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:42 a. m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Moved to approve 2-0.

Certified By:

Administrator, William Collins

Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman

Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner

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