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Penobscot County Commissioners Meeting Minutes April 24th, 2018

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes April 24, 2018 2186

9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Tom Davis and Laura Sanborn 52°

Approval of Minutes -

Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the March 20th, March 27th, April 3rd and April 10th, 2018 minutes. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

Sheriff’s Department Update –

Sheriff Troy Morton stated that today’s jail population is 177 inmates; 141 males, 36 females and 60 boarded out to other county jails. There are currently 54 inmates in pre-trial services. There are no federal inmates and there are two county swaps.

Sheriff will be providing the 2017 Annual Report to both the Commissioners as well as the building committee.

Bill mentioned MCCA Executive Director Charlie Pray stopped by yesterday on his return trip back to Augusta. He feels that when legislators are called back into session they will vote in favor of funding the jail.

Sheriff reports that our 30 year old clothes washers in the jail were leaking. Sheriff had been pricing new washers and they are over $20 K each. A technician came in and was able to rebuild the frames on these washers. The technician also recommended using ECOLAB pellets with each load of wash to flush the system. This will cut back on corrosion.

The Sheriff states that we are involved in the investigation on the Garland shootings. Troy is unable to report much on the incident as the records are sealed.

Deputies have also arrested the young thieves that left a group home and were involved in the Kenduskeag burglaries.

The Sheriff’s department has partnered this year with AARP and Bangor Police Department in the National Drug Takeback/paper shredding on April 27th at the Airport Mall.

Sheriff will be attending a meeting today with Eastern Maine Health Care and St. Joseph Hospitals. This is in to Eastern Maine not wanting anyone being transported to them with mental health issues that have criminal charges.

Sheriff followed up on the female inmate that was hospitalized for two weeks. He stated that this inmate has so many drug charges against her that the AG has taken on the case. This case finally been resolved last weekend with the defense attorney and Judge Jordan moving this case along. The cost to the County for this case is incredible.

Sheriff wanted to alert the Commissioners that an inmate had filed a grievance against the Sheriff’s Office because he had to pay a co-pay of $ 25 for five prescriptions. The inmate believes since he is on Maine Care and that he doesn’t have co-pays on the outside, he shouldn’t have them on the inside. Unfortunately, Maine Care ended after thirty days in Jail.

PRCC Update –

Director Chad Labree and PRCC Deputy Chris Lavoie came before the Commissioners to report that the radio committee has finalized the RFQ for the radio communications product for replacing and updating our infrastructure. This request is strictly for sealed quotes, and no awards will be made.

Chad reports that the Maine NENA conference will be held next week. Chad plans on hand delivering RFQ’s in person to vendors attending the conference.

Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve advertising the RFQ for our communication upgrade. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion moved 3-0.

Chad reported he currently has three call takers in training. There are three more that will be polygraphed next week. We are moving forward.

Transition meetings with Bangor are going very well with another meeting scheduled tomorrow. Bangor has been very accommodating with us working on a small punch list of items that need to take place. Time line for transiting to landline for Bangor is May 30th with the VOIP and cellular 9-1-1 calls being transiting mid-month June. Step implementation will go live on May 23rd.

Chad was contacted by Eastern Maine Medical Center dispatch. EMMC is looking to expand their dispatch operation and is looking to combine space and create a large command center with Lifeline of Maine dispatchers.

Chad introduced Brittany Robinson, an overnight dispatcher. Last week she received a call from an individual that was suicidal. She built a rapport and talked to him for over an hour. She was able to get him to be taken into custody. Kudo’s to Brittany and her great negotiation skills.

Brittany is also working with the American Red Cross in putting together a Battle of the Badges Blood drive to be held May 17th.

Deeds Update –

Susan Bulay told the Commissioners that the Registry of Deeds Association met last week. A Register discussed a meeting taking place with local surveyors in regards to issues with plans being submitted on Mylar. Some of the Registers are looking to have legislation put forth to change the requirements for plans having to be submitted on Mylar. Registrars would at least like to be given an option to submit these plans on paper. Susan states that it would be more cost effective to have the choice of paper since filing cabinets are less expensive to store versus Mylar bins that need to be purchased every two or three years for $ 1000. The Registers are requesting that MCCA lobby for them. In the past, surveyors have been receptive of this proposed change.

However, there has been pushback from some registers not knowing how this will affect them.

Finance Update –

Finance Director Judy Alexander reported that through the end of March everything is right in line.

Currently the jail expenses are $394k in the red. When and if the funding from the State comes through, we will be in a better financial position.

Judy states that all capital accounts have all transferred after last County Commissioners meeting as well as any expenditures through the end of March. Judy plans on presenting the Commissioners’ quarterly updates going forward. The Commissioners requested that this be done on a monthly basis.

There is a deficit in the property acquisition capital reserve accounts. When the bond is approved I presume the Commissioners will want to zero out this account with some of those funds.

Bill asked Judy to present where the undesignated fund balance is. Currently we are at $2.9M which is within the 20% threshold. Given that $450K has been designated to relieve the tax burden.

Judy informed the Commissioners that the auditors will be here next Monday and Tuesday.

Judy reported that we have $3.3 left in the $4.1M TAN. We don’t have interest on TAN until end of year.

Bill presented a question for Tyler. Through our health insurance, you get life insurance. Should this be through date of hire as it’s been done, or some other way?

Bill brought up the CRAS information has been recently updated. Charlie Pray is going to look into financial needs as the formula to use due to some counties didn’t put 4% into their budget as you are allowed by statute. So the question is why the State should be funding these additional amounts of money if you’re not going locally? Also Charlie is looking to see how these monies from the State should be expended.

HR Update –

Joanne McIntyre reported she has met with all but two department heads which she’ll line up with this week.

Joanne plans on being a familiar figure in the jail on a regular basis. She plans to be available at different times to accommodate the officers shift work to address their Questions and concerns.

Joanne has ordered new Labor Law posters as they update yearly. Ours were over six years old.

Joanne will be attend the Health Council and Safety meetings tomorrow.

There was a VOYA conference call last Friday with Karon Noyes. Karon has a scheduled time on May 10th for her quarterly visit with the County.

Joanne is finding that people are unaware of what a Human Relations department does. While meeting with the department heads, she is trying to learn what their biggest need might be.

Joanne will keep all personnel records locked up in her office as we have an obligation to keep these records safe.

Joanne is working on an Employee handbook with universal information. Joanne will have six different supplements to cover contracts added. When contracts change she will make changes to the handbooks to post up to date information.

Joanne plans on making sure that appraisals are given to employees so that there are no surprises down the road.

Joanne noted she is finding too many first report of injuries. She commented there is a difference between accident and incident.

The Sheriff interjected that Joanne has been given full access to Power DMS. Each believe that that system should be used county wide.

Administrative Update –

The building committee will be meeting with WBRC on Friday, April 27th at 8:30 for the follow up of the Meeting and tour that was held April 4th through the 6th. There are eight separate ideas for the Committee/Commissioners to consider.

MCCAM will meet in Augusta on Monday.

Roads & Mapping have put out a bid for a salt contract for Municipalities.

An email was received from Bill Rush of the Johnson Road in Stetson requesting Commissioner Davis’ assistance.

We have received an invoice for a Maine Human Rights Mediator.

Payroll change notices signed for: Terry Sullivan – Comp time

Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 215,499.19

Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $208,353.55

Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved: $ -NONE-

Executive Session---Commissioner Davis made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:41 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (E) Contract Matter. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. Present were: Sheriff Troy Morton, Bill Collins, Dan Tremble and Joanne McIntyre. Session ended at 11:25 a.m.

Commissioner Tom Davis made a motion to approve a retroactive raise to the Corrections Line Unit at 1.5 % for all hours worked back to January 01, 2018. Commissioner Laura Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3 – 0.

Public Session - NONE

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Tom Davis moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Laura Sanborn seconded the motion. Moved to approve 3-0.

Certified By:


Administrator, William Collins

Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman

Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner

Thomas J. Davis, Jr., Commissioner

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