Penobscot County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 9th, 2018
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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes January 9, 2018 #2171
9:05 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Tom Davis and Laura Sanborn 22°
Sheriff’s Department Update –
Sheriff Troy Morton stated that today’s jail population is 192 inmates, 157 males, 35 females and 50 boarded out to other county jails. Eleven inmates have been transported to the Department of Corrections with four more going out this week. No federal inmate or county swaps.
The new medical service contract transition is underway. It is going well. The second meeting will be held today with the Sheriff’s administration team and contractor. The Sheriff is negotiating the contract wording of servicing a population of 188 and the additional charges if we go over. He’d like to see if there can be a 24 to 72 hour window before paying additional funds since the population tends to vary day by day.
Sheriff reported that last week our intake officers were able to handle a very difficult situation when there was severe overcrowding in the intake area. An intoxicated violent female was brought in that had assaulted multiple people including law enforcement. There was no safe place to isolate this woman which shows the need and importance of the construction of the new intake area.
Troy informed the Commissioners that Deputies Kurth and Knappe arrested a suspect that burglarized and completely destroyed a home in Milford. Those two deputies were able to conduct interviews to quickly identify, locate and arrest the suspect. They were able to retrieve almost all the property that had been stolen including the Viet Nam medals. The homeowners are very appreciative of the work of our Deputies.
Sheriff stated there was a manslaughter arrest made on the Etna fatal last fall.
Troy reports with the recent snow storms the deputies have been handling multiple car crashes.
Mr. Collins received an email from a Glenburn resident on a complaint regarding a private drive way.
Mr. Collins and the Sheriff also received a complaint from All Time Towing Company. The Sheriff’s will speak to the owner. The Sheriff states that he has received two positive responses from other tow companies appreciating the new detailed policy the Sheriff’s office has put together.
Executive Session--Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:30 a.m., 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Present were: Bill Collins, Sheriff Morton and Deputy Chief Birch. Session ended at 9:40 with no votes taken.
Workforce System Request –
Joanna Russell Executive Director for NWDB reported that tomorrow was the last day the Governor could appeal the decision rendered by Federal Judge John Woodcock. We do not know at this time if he will appeal.
Also Coastal Counties is asking Counties to consider a donation of $ 2,500 toward their legal fees which are approximately $ 80 K. This decision if it holds benefits all Workforce Boards. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to contribute $2,500. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 3-0.
EMA Update –
Michelle has received confirmation of the Presidential Disaster Declaration of the October windstorm.
There will be a FEMA application briefing on January 23rd at Bangor City Hall. This is where all the towns that are requesting FEMA reimbursement for public storm damages will meet.
FEMA has changed the way requests are handled. It will be now through an online public assistance portal. Michelle and Denise will be heading to Augusta this Thursday for training on this new portal.
Michelle’s office has changed the way it plans before big weather events. The shelters had been placed on standby and locals know where they were going to be in the event we have widespread outages. Michele had gone to Bangor for a regional planning meeting for storm preparedness.
It was brought to Michelle’s attention that our regional shelter – the Cross Center does not have generators for heat. It was stated that they only have generator power for lights.
Michelle will be meeting with officials from Bangor, Brewer and Old Town next week to work together to identify a regional shelter.
Michele also found out yesterday that there is nothing available for ice breaking capabilities on the Penobscot this winter since the coast guard cutter is being refurbished.
UT Update –
Barbara Veilleux came before the Commissioners for their signatures on the Animal Control Contract for Bradley. Signed.
Barbara presented a letter that had been dropped off by resident Jay Dresser for the Commissioners.
Tax Abatement Appeal Hearing
Present were:
Brenda and Edward DeRoche, Camp Owners
Lisa Whynot, Supervisor of the Unorganized Territories, State of Maine
Justin McMann, Property Adjuster for the State of Maine
The property is located at T-3 Indian Purchase, Map PE032, Plan 11, Lot 59
The property was purchased in 2007. They built a new camp in 2008.
The assessed value of property in 2017 was $25,780 for land and $73,370 for the building almost doubled from the year before. Mr. DeRoche had been told the increase in value was from the water influence and that they assessed the camp from one story loft to 1.5 story structure.
The DeRoche’s pay an additional $150 a year to the railroad to have access to a road to get to the front of their camp. In order for the camp owners to cross the railroad tracks they would also have to pay an additional $500 per year plus obtain a $2 million insurance policy. They have chosen not to do that. This lease pricing with the railroad company can change at any time.
Mr. DeRoche states that they do not have waterfront property. This is not a water view property. Directly in front of his camp is a swamp.
Mr. DeRoche states that his loft is used as a storage area. It has now been taxed as 1.5 story. This area has no walls, no doors, and no room as defined.
Mr. McMann then spoke of how assessments are handled. The States looks at the "just value" or "market value" of the property. Mr. McMann used the cost approach by analyzing comparable sales on a yearly basis as mass appraisal to accurately be as fair as possible. Leisure point of view is defined as the use of the property which can be for commercial forestry, primary residence, secondary residence or a camp.
Mr. McMann states that the detached garage also adds value to the property.
The Commissioners stated that they would make a decision and get back to all parties.
FOP 012 Lodge PCSO Line Unit Contract Signing
Present were Deputy Chris Watson, Deputy Kari Kurth and Labor Specialist Mike Edes
This contract was a wage re-opener for the Line Unit 2018 contract. Mr. Collins stated it was a pleasure working with this group. We will begin later this summer for their next contract.
Administration Update -
Bill stated the advertisement for the Human Resource Director position has been placed in the newspaper and he is already getting responses from that.
There was a vote made in Somerset yesterday to send a letter to Charlie Pray/ MCCA that before we go to the session of legislature that the amount of money being requested is $17.3 million which breaks down for the $15.2 million original allocation and $2.1 million supplemental. The distribution will be the $15.2 million by formula and the $2.1 million by need.
Bill spoke to Charlie Pray and was told that Attorney Bellow will be presenting in Cumberland County on the lawsuit presentation.
Bill provided audit copies of the Unorganized Territories and the Jail for the Commissioners to review before next week’s presentation by the Auditors.
Payroll change notices signed for: Brian Parent – Resigned; Cap Ayers and Tyler Thompson – Comp Time.
Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 246,793.28
Account Payable Warrant to be approved for 2017 Invoices: $52,286.26
Account Payable Warrant to be approved for 2018 Invoices: $31,549.10
Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved: $112,351.43
Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 11:20 a.m., 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins and Treasurer Dan Tremble. Session ended at 11:49 with no votes taken.
Public Comment – None
Meeting Adjourned-
Commissioner Davis moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Moved to approve 3-0.