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County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for November 28th 2017

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes November 28, 2017 #2165 9:00 AM Commissioners Tom Davis and Laura Sanborn 19°

Absent Commissioner Peter Baldacci

Approval of Minutes-

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the November 14th, 2017 minutes. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2-0.

Sheriff’s Department Update:

Sheriff Troy Morton stated that today’s jail population is 178 (148 males, 30 females) in house with 74 boarded out to other county jails. There are no federal inmates at this time. Currently there are 57 inmates in Pre-trial services.

Commissioner Davis thanked Sheriff Morton for being proactive and moving the county trailers and vehicles to the 127 Hammond Street location. Troy would like to see a directive made that on storm nights the dispatchers and jail personnel have permission to have their cars moved to the Post Office parking lot so that Mr. Gallant will have better access to plowing. Sheriff stated that he has asked our deputies as well as Bangor PD to patrol 127 Hammond Street parking lot when in the area. Commissioners are not supportive at this time of moving vehicles to the Post Office during storms.

Sheriff stated that our law enforcement side had another busy week with a suicide, an overdose and a fatality. This is a third or fourth accident in Penobscot County this year that involved the driver being impaired by medically assisted treatment.

Sheriff spoke to a City of Bangor leadership board on public health on opiate addiction yesterday. There was discussion at that meeting on why not continue methadone or Suboxone to inmates in our facility.

Methadone and Suboxone are not allowed in the jail whereas Vivitrol is used. This is because Vivitrol cannot be diverted.

Sheriff stated that our jail is the only facility in the state that runs a detox and opiate recovery program.

Sheriff expressed his frustration that he feels is abuse with over prescription of methadone. A reputable doctor at the meeting stated that there is tremendous over prescribing of methadone in the amounts used.

Sheriff expressed that DA Chris Almy has been an advocate to the Sheriff’s Office. DA Almy recognizes the challenges of the jail and moves the cases along accordingly.

Sheriff shared that his “No Shave November” campaign made about $2,000 for Cancer Care of Maine. Sheriff is extending the campaign until the end of December for those wishing to contribute.

Sheriff stated due to budgetary reasons the building and evacuation class has been cancelled. Troy will follow up with the instructors to see when they may be able to come to our facility to teach this class.

Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve CHCS mental health contract presented. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Move to approve passed 2-0.

Commissioner Sanborn moved to accept a forfeiture in the case of State of Maine vs Scott Lord, Sr. in the amount of $ 5,181. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 2-0.

Sheriff received the new DOC standard manual to help operate the jail. This manual has reduced the number of standards from 265 to 225. The newest standard is PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act), which our Jail already has in place. The audit for certification is $ 10,000. Sheriff spoke to the auditor. He suggested getting the policies in place pre-audit as this will save enormous amounts of time and reduce the cost. The audit has been waived for 18 months since we just completed an inspection resulting in a high rating.

Executive Session- Commissioner Sanborn motioned to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter at 9:25 am under 1 MRSA §405 (6) (A) Commissioner Davis seconded the motion.

Vote to approve passed 2 – 0. The Commissioners, Administrator Bill Collins, Treasurer Dan Tremble, Sheriff Morton were in attendance. Executive Session ended at 10:00 am with no votes taken.

Buildings Update:

Cap Ayer presented a proposal to change the outside lighting with LED’s. Cap believes it would be better to have these lights as most qualify for rebates and would reduce the amount of service needed. The older lights are big and cumbersome. Most recently we lost three of the light tops during the wind storm.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the new lighting project quotes received. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 2-0.

Cap reports that the third floor renovation project is right on schedule. The only things left are the

carpenters finishing up the hardwood floors, and IT cabling.

PRCC Update:

Chad LaBree spoke to the Commissioners in regards to the placement of the call takers. Chad’s vendor was able to design a position to fit three call takers. The design was presented and the quote for the equipment will follow.

IT Update:

Cliff Warren provided three quotes to the Commissioners for new Exchange servers. The following quotes were presented: GovConnection - $13,536.63; Workgroup Technology Partners - $15, 150.00; RoundTower Technologies - $19,341.48.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve purchase of GovConnection exchange server in the amount of $13, 536.63. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 2-0.

Public Comment:

A concerned citizen Jay Dresser came to the Commissioners in regards to a lawsuit he’s filed in California. He is concerned about how used consumer materials are handled.

The Commissioners told him they too share his concerns but this is not the correct forum to address his concerns.

Executive Session- Commissioner Sanborn motioned to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter at 10:45 am under 1 MRSA §405 (6) (A) Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2 – 0. The Commissioners, Administrator Bill Collins, Treasurer Dan Tremble, Chad LaBree were in attendance. Executive Session ended at 11:04 am with no votes taken.

Administrative Updates:

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve Denise Conary as a signatory for NWDB. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 2-0.

NWDB is having a meeting in Augusta this Friday.

Bill contacted Malcolm Ulmer and Lauren Haven and the proxies are all set.

Flexible spending forms are due by December 1st if you choose to participate.

WBRC architects will present next week at the Commissioners Meeting their findings of the walk through at 127 Hammond Street.

The Commissioners recommend inviting the Building Committee to attend the December 12th meeting.

The Maine County Commissioner Budget indicates Franklin County has chosen to no longer be involved with MCCA or the Risk Pool.

It was approved by Lisa Whynot of Maine Revenue that the requested Tax Abatement hearing for Mr. Robert Mosca be postponed until May as requested by Mr. Mosca.

The public budget hearing for the Budget is scheduled for December 12th.

As requested by Budget Committee attendee’s mill rate information will be provided by Judy Alexander.

Payroll change notices signed for: Gary Mehuren II – change of hours

Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 209,742.94

Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $ 67,805.86

Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for: $219,853.47

Public Comment - None

Meeting Adjourned- The meeting was adjourned at 11:08 am with no further business on the agenda.

Certified By:

Administrator, William Collins Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner Thomas J. Davis, Jr., Commissioner

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