Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - January 17, 2017
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Penobscot County Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 17, 2017 #2122
9:00 AM Commissioner’s Tom Davis, Laura Sanborn and Peter Baldacci. 32°
Unorganized Territories Update-
Director Barbara Veilleux presented a contract for the Town of Orono Regional Animal Control to the Commissioners for signature.Barbara informed the Commissioner that they had discussed the Regional contracts but had not taken a vote.County Administrator Bill Collins stated that some contracts had been previously voted on.Commissioner Davis suggested making it an all-inclusive vote as they are all the same.Commissioner Sanborn made the motion to approve signing all the Animal Control Contracts.Commissioner Davis seconded the motion.Vote to approve passed 3-0.
George Buswell gave an update on the road conditions.George is surprised that the Prentiss roads aren’t as bad as other roads yet we haven’t received complaints on those.George reports that the roads in Prentiss are greatly improved.There is still work to be done but with the help of the grader the sections where there is ice is getting smaller.The temperatures helped last week. George said when the temperature goes back up this week they will have the grader out again.We are also putting a grader in Grindstone to work on some of the icy areas that are always shaded.George states we are doing this on our own, not because of any complaints.Commissioner Davis inquired as to how we are with the sand.George said the only shed that needs to be restocked right now is Prentiss.We will wait until they finish with the grader.Barbara has ordered more salt and the contractor has dug out his pit so we are all set to replenish.George reports that the other sheds are half full and is hoping to get by.He would like to get to the back of these sheds as there is salt that hasn’t been touched for years.
Sheriff Department Update-
Sheriff Morton reports the jail count today is at 199; 168 males and 31 females, 32 boarded out (12 in Cumberland County).
Sheriff noted that of the 32 inmates that are currently boarded out, seven are at either Dorothia Dix or Riverview.This is just an example of how many people we have in our facility that have serious mental health issues.
A female who was in the intake area kicked a steel door which now has to be replaced.After looking at the door we see that it has been deteriorating and several doors are in the same condition.These doors are at least 25 + years old.It will be a huge expense to replace them.We will get an estimate.
Sheriff did an article with Judy Harrison of the Bangor Daily News.He’s not sure when it will be in the paper.She is doing a statewide article with the other Counties to see what challenges we all face.
Sheriff Morton discussed that his Dept. has used their Tasers very sparingly.However Tasers are like cellphones in the fact that they constantly change and upgraded every year.Our Dept. needs four more Tasers which would cost $ 6 K, not including the holsters and other accessories.New Tasers require new holsters as the old ones won’t fit. He has found a leasing program.The lease would be for five years; includes 10 units along with their accessories etc.The annual cost would be $2,600.We would be saving almost $ 300 per unit by leasing.
Sheriff reported to the Commissioner on the use of body cameras.There is a Federal DOJ grant out to cover the cost of the body cameras only.This will not cover training or software costs to use with it.The Sheriff asked the Commissioners if they want him to pursue the grant knowing there will be additional costs to the County/Department.Commissioner Baldacci feels he should start the process of applying for the grant.The Sheriff feels the challenge for his department will be the electronic part such as uploading and storage of data.Our Deputies aren’t always in area where cell reception is good.Commissioner Davis recommends looking for a grant for training too.
The Sheriff is looking at DOJ funding for Domestic Coordinators.Presently the department doesn’t have one and the Sheriff would like to have that position back.These grants that usually pay for three years of salary and benefits.
Sheriff met with the Town of Enfield last week on their supplemental law enforcement contract.
The Vivitrol program has been put on hold by the State for a few months.The grant will still allow PCHC to start providing counseling now.
Probate Update-
Renee Stupak requested permission from the Commissioners to update the Probate website. As of now the website has no real information.Renee would like to add links that would direct consumers to the answer for the most common questions they would have. Right now she and her staff direct them to the Maine.Gov website but they call back after getting overwhelmed with too much information on the States site. Commissioner Baldacci suggests Renee speak with other Counties to see how they have done their websites.Bill Collins let Renee know she should contact Cliff Warren or Adam Prosser in the IT Department to work with her. Commissioners approved and asked Renee to keep them updated.
Administrative Update-
Payroll warrant approved for $233,476.75.
Accounts Payable Warrant approved for 2016: $9,540.23.
Accounts Payable Warrant approved for 2017: $104,316.24.
The Unorganized Territory Warrant approved for: None
Payroll change notice signed for: C Haverly-Johndro, R Booth and L St. Pierre. T Gauthier, L Babcock, and J Wintle, resigned. Hired L Craig, A Dunkerly and B Parent.
Compensation notice signed for: None
Commissioner Baldacci and Bill Collins attended the MCCA (Maine County Commissioner's Association) meeting in Augusta. Bill reports there was a vote on the annual budget. It was pointed out at the meeting that part of the operating budget for MCCA (Maine County Commissioner's Association) is funded from surplus. This has occurred for three years now and the excess funds are reducing. Currently the major funding is County dues, what the risk pool can contribute and the net profit from the annual convention. Bill mentioned fewer Commissioners are attending the convention. Commissioner Davis states that if they don’t support it than they can’t spend it.
Bill received an email today for the Commissioners.It was in reference to questions about recreational marijuana in Penobscot County.
Bill gave an update to the Commissioners of the joint committee meeting of MMA (Maine Town, County and City Managers Association) that he attended.
Public Comment--None
Executive Session— Administrator Bill Collins made a request to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter under 1 MRSA § 405(6) (A) at 10:00 am. The Commissioners, Treasurer Dan Tremble, Mr. Collins and Sheriff Morton were in attendance. Executive Session ended at 10:15 am with no votes taken
Executive Session— Administrator Bill Collins made a request to go into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter under 1 MRSA § 405(6) (E) at 10:16 am. The Commissioners, Treasurer Dan Tremble, Mr. Collins, George Buswell and Barbara Veilleux were in attendance. Executive Session ended at 10:25 am with no votes taken.
Executive Session— Administrator Bill Collins made a request to go into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter under 1 MRSA § 405(6) (E) at 10:26 am. The Commissioners, Treasurer Dan Tremble, Mr. Collins, Barbara Veilleux and George Buswell were in attendance. Executive Session ended at 11:00 am.
Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve a purchase request from PRCC for antennas, radios and associated accessories as a result of last week’s outage from Whitten’s 2-Way. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3 – 0.
Meeting Adjourned- The meeting was adjourned at 11:02 am with no further business on the agenda.
Certified By:
Penobscot Count Administrator
William Collins
Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman
Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner
Thomas J. Davis, Jr., Commissioner