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Commissioners Minutes from November 3, 2020

Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes November 3, 2020 2308

9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci & Laura Sanborn 34°

Commissioner Andre Cushing arrived at 9:10

Public Comment – None

UT Update –

Director Shaw Weeks presented the following information:

• The Kingman/Prentiss paving project was completed last week

• LUPC is requesting a statement from the Commissioners on the Wolfden Rezoning Petition. Commissioner Sanborn feels we should include a statement concerning the company’s financial stability. Commissioner Baldacci voiced concerns regarding environmental impact and financial worthiness. He doesn’t feel it is for the best interest of the UT. Commissioner Sanborn feels we need to be considerate of the jobs that the mining project would include. Director Weeks will prepare a statement for the Commissioners with assistance of Administrator Collins and Director Honey. LUPC will be hosting another meeting next Monday that Director Weeks will attend.

• Shaw is proposing to change the contract with Penquis/Main Stream Finance from $15,000 to $9,800. In previous years there was a cost for loan servicing.

• TIF Fund balance is approximately $2.3M

• Director Weeks, along with Commissioner Sanborn, Director Honey and Administrator Collins participated via zoom with EMDC Director Mike Elliott and Representative Michael Michaud in regards to the East Millinocket TIF request. The conversation was to try to find other alternatives (other than TIF funding) to assist in the development of the mill. The following was discussed:

o Katahdin Region PILT fund balance is $145,736

o Separate account for PILT funds is $186,052 (balance of receipts less the $175K for the General Fund).

o Commissioners asked for a more detailed summary of the monies to be presented to have a better handle on where and what they have been used on

o Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve $ 100K of PILT funds for the East Millinocket Mill site master plan. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

• Director Weeks reached out to Annette Padilla and John Raymond to discuss the Status of the Detective Benjamin Campbell Bridge project.

• Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the Mattawamkeag Fire agreement with the Town of Kingman. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

Deeds Update –

Register Susan Bulay stated her department is in need of new printers. Deeds present equipment are six years old and currently not under a service contract. Register Bulay communicated with Transco for an estimate to repair one of the copiers and found to be quite costly. Transco proposed a solution for three new xerox machines which would be a dramatic savings to her department.

Commissioners feel as though it would be best to go out to bid for three printers. Register Bulay will get together with Administrator Collins and Director Honey to get the bid process going.

EMA Update –

Deputy Brad Nuding presented the following:

• Current COVID daily case increase is 84, with a confirmed case at Frank’s Bakery in Bangor yesterday.

• Currently percentages of hospitalizations are still relatively low with plenty of capacity left.

• There was a meeting with the hospitals this week, not on COVID, but cyber security. We put together a table top exercise in case such an event occurs.

• Governor’s restrictions – no word yet on state offices closing and transitioning back to telework.

• BinaxNow antigen kits will be available soon. Allotments are for the general public to be administered at a local Walgreens; Jails to test staff and inmates; and public safety personnel. Patients would need to be symptomatic and any positive Binax test would need to be followed up with a nasopharyngeal swab test. County Emergency Management Agencies will receive the allotment for public safety to be distributed out to emergency medical services (EMS) agencies.

• School nurses continue to be fit tested for N95 masks and there were 18 nurses fit tested by the Maine National Guard in Brewer on October 31st. • The Maine CDC warehouse is closed this week for inventory and reorganizing supplies. PPE requests are in queue until next Monday; however, the state is still processing and delivering COVID testing supplies.

• The Maine vaccination plan has been sent to the federal government for review and awaiting approval.

Administration Update -

Administrator Collins reported the following:

• Making certain that Director Alexander has been provided the names of Budget Committee from all the Commissioners.

• Our budget hearing will take place November 10th and November 17th at 6:00 p.m. via zoom on Facebook. Notices have been placed in the Bangor Daily News, as well as posted on line. After discussion, all parties involved will be working remotely for the Budget Meeting. However, the regularly scheduled Commissioners meeting will be held in person here on the second floor.

• A tax abatement hearing is scheduled for next Tuesday.

• The next MCCA meeting will be held via zoom Friday, November 13th.

• We received notification from MCCA Risk Pool that they have been notified from the FBI in regards to cyber-attacks this past weekend.

• We were contacted from DOC to renew their lease on our Franklin Street location through June.

• Director Honey and Administrator Collins will be starting negotiations with our AFSCME Supervisors unit this Friday.

• Commissioner Sanborn, Director Honey, Director Weeks and Administrator Collins participated via zoom on the funding request on the East Millinocket Mill site.

• One of our deputies was involved in a vehicle accident with three deer.

• The Sheriff’s Dept. had another successful Drug Take Back last Friday.

• Administrator Collins sent out on behalf of the Commissioners a request for a public hearing to the Maine DOC on proposed Rule #2020-PT 04. Bill has received confirmation of receipt. There will be a zoom meeting scheduled for November 23.

• Bill sent out a letter to MCCA, MACCAM and MDOC to refine our request for supplemental funding.

• Commissioner Baldacci and Bill participated via ZOOM on the Pharma Lawsuit. There are proposals for settlements underway and looking at ways to divide Maine’s share of the settlement.

• Payroll Change Notices signed for: Michelle LaBree

• Payroll Warrant to be approved for 10.30.2020: $260,200.41

• Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for 11.03.2020: $369,132.27

• UT Warrant to be approved for 11.03.2020: $114,042.00

• UT TIF Warrant to be approved: NONE

Executive Session---Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:55 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. Present were: Commissioners, Administrator Collins, Deputy Josh Lilley and Director Honey. Deputy Lilley left at 10:27 a.m. Session ended at 11:00 a.m. No votes taken.

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Sanborn moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:01 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0

Certified By:

Administrator, William Collins

Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman

Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner

Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner


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