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Penobscot County Commissioners' Minutes from February 4, 2020

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes February 4, 2020 2272 9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Andre Cushing & Laura Sanborn 30°

Public Comment – None

Sheriff’s Update –

Sheriff Morton stated today’s jail population is 156 in-house with 86 boarded out to other county jails. (49 - Two Bridges, 11 - Washington County, 9 - Maine Correctional, 8- Hancock County, 7 - Somerset County and 2 – Maine State Prison) There are no federal inmates, no county swaps and 90 in Pre-Trial Services.

Sheriff reports he is working with other Sheriff’s on longer term boarding agreements. There are many challenges in moving inmates to other facilities such as medical and court dates and the availability of beds for the inmate classification. Our transport officers are always on the move.

We have staffing shortages. Down eight (8) correction officers and one (1) supervisor position. Sheriff is working with Human Relations Director Erika Honey and Administrator Bill Collins to see if they can offer any solutions.

Sheriff closed down the Community Works position in order to utilize the officer as an escort to work with those in our expanded MAT program which began Monday.

Sheriff is looking for commitments from other counties for board some of our inmates that are not low risk, high risk but the female population as well.

Sheriff reports that there is a second day reporting event set up for April. January’s event had six attendees and received very positive feedback. We are very encouraged for this next event. Already have four signed up. We are still working on the “week long program”. One hurdle to cross is where it can be held. Sheriff thinks that every other month will be optimal. If we can get the courts approval to have the sessions two days here, a few days there.

At Monday’s morning brief with Patrol on the work they are doing, Sheriff is amazed with the number of incidents they respond to with suicides, burglaries and fraud. One of our new Hermon deputies recently seized drugs, cash and stolen weapons that were brought up from out of state and were being sold in Hermon.

Sheriff attended a meeting last week with MCCA and MSA regarding the LD-973 jail funding bill. Our county provided an extensive report capturing inmate data if they were in at midnight and who would classify for SSI in order to figure out if the State formula works.

We are still providing tours of the jail. Commissioner Cushing asked if a video could be provided to show the public during town hall forums. Sheriff has a video to share. UT Update –

Director Shaw Weeks reported on the MMA Adult use of Marijuana Workshop he recently attended.

o The process for county licensing an establishment is similar to liquor license or special amusement permit o Shaw will draw up Warrant articles for your review. We will be able to charge fees for Licensing of an establishment. Fees must be reasonable and based on service provided o Shaw talked with Gwen Hilton, LUPC Planning Board, regarding marijuana in the UT and she recommended speaking to Naomi Kirk-Lawlor o Shaw contacted Naomi, a Senior Planner at LUPC to determine LUPC’s role for adult use establishments. Naomi said that any business in the UT would need a development permit from LUPC and need to be located in a commercial or industrial zone. She also mentioned that any Opt In Warrant Article should not address land use or zoning because that is LUPC’s job o Commissioner Sanborn feels a “Regional Planning Board” including some code enforcement officers should be created.

Shaw received four quotes for the turn out gear for four former Kingman firefighters that are now in the Mattawamkeag department. Pricing range from $7,396 to $9,873.

Shaw has been in communication with Reliance Equipment in Vassalboro to do a diagnostic test on our pumper. They have quoted $ 1,000 to come up and complete the test.

Shaw has found insurance is in effect until July 31, 2020 on the vehicle. He believes the title is still in the vehicle.

The County received a letter late last week from DOT regarding a construction project in T1R6 and Herseytown with requests that over limit permits be issued to contractors for the paving project and maximum speed for construction vehicles to be 25 mph. The County may ask the contract to obtain a bond for any damage caused the Contractor’s equipment. The DOT can assist in determining the amount of the bond. Shaw reached out to George MacDougall at MDOT and he confirmed that construction projects are on I-95 but access to local roads in surrounding area is the reason for the request.

Shaw presented the regional animal control agreement for the University of Maine System. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the contract as presented. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. Signed.

Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the MOU for plowing of Baxter State Park’s North Gate Parking Lot. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Signed.

George reported that the extra sand has been placed in the Prentiss Shed. NWDB Update –

Director Joanna Russell reported that this update is information only. Joanna presented the latest work taking place within the Northeastern Workforce Development Board.

o The RFP posting has been sent out for Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) for two contracts – Funding Adults/Dislocated Worker Services and/or Youth Services o Joanna is waiting for a response from the National Emergency Grant (NEG) application – Addressing the Opioid Crisis. Joanna has been in contact with them three times and has had monitoring reviews with MDOL and USDOL with no report or response as of yet o The executive committee for NWDB will meet hear a proposal from Rob Brown from the Cooperative Development Institute who is proposing a project for us to look at. There are a number of small companies whose owners are getting ready to retire.

Joanna is hopeful to establish and provide instruction and resources to the workers of the company so can learn how to preserve the business by transitioning into ownership.

Matagamon Dam Project Update –

Don Dudley – Secretary-Treasurer of the Matagamon Lake Association (MLA), Jonathan Marshall – Vice President of MLA, and Jason Mitchell – MLA presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Commissioners on the Matagamon Dam Project.

Don provided background information to get a clearer picture of the importance of the Matagamon Dam. The Matagamon Dam constructed in 1941 is a concrete gravity structure, (218.5 feet long and 30 feet high) to replace the timber crib structure that was constructed in the 1880’s. The spillway is 78 feet long, has a crest elevation of 655.0 feet (above sea-level) and contains 9 vertical lift gates 5 feet high and 7 feet wide. Additionally, the dam has four 10-foot by 10-foot sluice gates which regulate most of our water. The top of the dam elevation is 665 feet above sea level.

The Matagamon dam is located on the East Branch of the Penobscot River in T6 R8 WELS, Penobscot County, and impounds Grand Lake Matagamon, which includes 1st and 2nd Lakes Matagamon. The primary tributary is Webster Stream, a connector between Webster Lake and 2nd Lake Matagamon. Other tributaries include the natural headwater reach of the East Branch Penobscot River, Hay Brook, Hinckley Brook, Boody Brook and Trout Brook. The drainage goes back clear to Allagash Lake. October 2000, MLA was formed and comprised of camp owners, tribal and resource agency Representatives. The ownership of the Matagamon Dam was transferred in January 2001 to MLA for the expressed purpose of maintaining the structure for the benefit of fish, wildlife, recreational values and downstream safety.

Don presented before and after pictures of the following repairs with the County Commissioners $100K TIF grant assistance:

 Removal and replacement of fencing on deck  Concrete repairs on four piers on riverside, boiler room sills, east wall between fishway and #4 deep gate  Boiler room area resurfaced, concrete deck face resurfaced  Repair deck, demolished concrete and repaired damaged areas The total of these repairs amounted to $162,720

The future projects still to be completed when more funds are available:

Right abutment upstream and downstream wing wall repaired to below normal waterline ($36,770)

Sixteen guide slot resurfaced lakeside ($38,950)

The benefits of the project include:

Better able to maintain lake levels at all times of the year and all weather events in Grand Lake Matagamon; this will prevent flooding adding to another degree of safety

Lake level control benefits the fisheries, waterfowl and wading birds, recreational and camps

Regulate down flows to Penobscot River Commissioner Baldacci thanked the Committee for their vision and hard work in this project. The County was able to assist with money but it was your dedication to the project that makes a difference in the environment. Peter recommended the Committee also look at funding through federal grants since this project is more benefiting to the ecology. After looking into identifying other funding, come back and see if we can fill in the gaps. We are very interested in helping see this project to completion.

Probate Update –

Register Renee Stupak reported that Registers and Probate Judges are discussing the need to publish name changes for minors. Currently, some counties publish and others do not. This is not required by statute. An informal appointment of personal representative may be commenced more than three years after death to possess estate assets for distribution, unless there are objections.

Renee states that the Probate Court is extremely busy and currently seeking additional attorneys for court appointments. Mediations have been helpful, as cases have settled with less financial burden to the court and petitioners.

Renee reports that the Probate Office is fully staffed and running efficiently.

PRCC Update –

Director Chris Lavoie reported that the Radio System RFP pre-conference meeting was held Monday. Five radio vendors were in attendance (3 from Maine, 1 from Massachusetts and 1 from New Hampshire). There was an entity who showed up after the mandatory meeting had ended. It was decided that they will not be allowed to place a bid. Our consultant was there to answer good questions posed. Several radio committee members attended as well as some of board of director members.

Chris is working with the Sheriff’s Office on a PowerPoint presentation.

Supervisor Azevedo travelled to Island Falls last week. He conducted a class for Island Falls, Sherman and Stacyville fire departments on radio communication. This class is hands on and very interactive.

Human Relations Director Erika Honey spoke on the Guardian Tracking Software after witnessing a demonstration with Chris and Josh Lilley last Friday. Erika is impressed with system which will not be redundant with PowerDMS, and feels that PRCC can begin the pilot program. The cost is reasonable for the product you receive. The initial cost is $2,271.50 which includes a one-time set up fee. After that the yearly fee is $1,900. This system is going to replace the training software that is currently costs $700. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve Guardian Tracking Software for $2,271.50. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.

Administration Update –

Administrator Bill Collins presented a resolution to be sent to Secretary Michael Pompeo supporting refugee resettlement in Penobscot County. Commissioner Cushing made a motion to approve this resolution as presented. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Signed. (See attached to the Minutes)

The meeting with the City of Bangor Council will take place February 10th in the evening.

The County received a check from the risk pool for the totaled patrol SUV in the amount of $33,656.80

James Gallant has purchased an old SUV bid for the previous high Bid quote.

The Sheriff’s Office conducted jail tours to Bangor City Council last week. We have invited Brewer City Council to participate in a tour. Penobscot County Managers Association would like to hold their monthly meeting here which would also include a tour.

Erika Honey has received the results from the Safety Works Inspection.

Your 2019 budget books have been stored and replaced with 2020. The collective bargaining agreements are all updated and on the Commissioners Desk.

There will be a joint meeting this week with MCCAM, MSA and MCCA regarding LD-973.

Erika and Bill met with Sylvia Hebert regarding the General Unit Contract.

Payroll Change Notices signed for: Adam Smith – Resignation; Nicholas Covell, Samuel McCarty, Gary Mehuren, Michael Morin, Richard Polk, Deborah Sargent and Beau Seekins – Payroll Change.

Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $263,098.21 Accounts Payable to be approved for: $400,982.26 Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for: $116,761.74 Unorganized Territory TIF Warrant to be approved for: NONE

Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:54 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D) Contract Matter. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Present were: Commissioners, Bill Collins, Erika Honey, Judy Alexander and John Hiatt. Session ended at 11:35 a.m. NO votes taken.

Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 11:36 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Present were: Commissioners, Bill Collins and Erika Honey. Session ended at 11:53 a.m. No votes taken.

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Cushing moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:54 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Moved to approve 3 -0.

Certified By: Administrator, William Collins Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner

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