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Penobscot County Commissioners Minutes from October 15, 2019

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes October 15, 2019 2259 9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Andre Cushing & Laura Sanborn 43°

Approval of Minutes -

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve September 24, 2019 meeting minutes. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

Public Comment – NONE

Registry of Deeds (Dept. 10) Budget Presentation-

Susan Bulay, Register of Deeds, presented her department’s budget for the 2020 calendar year. This budget is relatively unchanged. Susan reports that payroll went down a little due to that her Deputy retired and health insurance went from a family to single plan.

Susan has budgeted for three Clerical specialists; however, is utilizing only two. Susan states that one of the employees is going out for approximately 12 weeks and will need to replace that person temporarily. Commissioner Cushing moved that Susan can advertise through Manpower a temporary full time position for 12 weeks. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.

Susan reports that we recently signed for a new 5-year computer contract which we agreed to purchase a new IBM computer server. The payment for the new server is coming partly from surcharge and partly from other escrow accounts.

Susan states she is on track for revenue to be the same this year and will budget the same amount for 2020.

Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve Registry of Deeds (Dept.10) budget as presented. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.

UT Update –

Director Barbara Veilleux stated that George Buswell is busy this morning working on a ditching project in Grand Falls with A & G Dirtworks.

Barbara Veilleux presented the following budget requests for 2020-2021.

o Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve $5,500 for Argyle Cemetery Association. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. o Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve $5,000 for Kingman Cemetery. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. o Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve $8,330 for Prentiss Cemetery Association. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.

Barbara then presented the FY20 projected expenditures and FY21 Budget for review. o At the end on of June, 2019 we have a total available of TIF Funds of $1,320,526.88 with projected 2019 revenue from taxes $553,050. Bring total available of $1,873,576.88 o The projected expenditures which can vary a little for FY20 are $322,000.00. This leaves roughly $1.5 M left.

Barbara discussed the State Police reconfiguring rural roads with a reduced presence in the UT area. Barbara stated the State will not pay for the additional deputies, it will be the UT taxpayers that will have to pay for this.

Commissioner Cushing moved to nominate George Buswell to the MRRA board. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.

DA Update –

District Attorney Marianne Lynch presented an update of her department.

o Marianne introduced Christy Stilphen, her new ADA that was just sworn in from Kennebec County.

o Marianne reports that our county has the highest per case load to attorneys. Marianne received approval from the State for a part-time position ADA position. Marianne is pleased to announce that Janice Stuver has accepted that position and will be placed in the Newport area. o Marianne stated that the prosecutorial diversion program is taking traction. Marianne has partnered with agencies in the area to support this mission. o Marianne will update you on a new drug court program for veterans that is in early discussion. o Marianne is still working the Sheriff Morton on developing an alternative sentencing program. o Marianne spoke of the computer change of electronic filing that is taking place this year. o Marianne stated that the Maine Prosecutors are gathering next week to visit the forfeitures

DA (Dept. 5) Budget Presentation –

DA Marianne Lynch and Office Manager Kristine Higgins then presented the DA (Dept. 5) department budget for the 2020 year. The major increases in the payroll part of the budget comes from the DA investigator union position has added a pay step, a promotion of a clerical specialist position promotion going from 37.5 hours to 40 hours , and a part time legal internship for the summer months with new minimum wage being added.

Marianne reported the increase in registration and training has to do with additional staff. Marianne mentioned that she tries to enroll in as many no cost trainings as possible to keep costs down.

Marianne states you will see a decrease in parts and maintenance on the automobile because she gave up her government car. The investigators car is still being used.

Marianne feels that her revenue will go up a little because of deferred dispositions.

Commissioner Cushing moved to take this budget under advisement. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.

Probate (Dept. 11) Budget Presentation –

Probate Judge Amy Faircloth and Register of Probate, Renee Stupak stated that her proposed budget is not completed for payroll. Judge Faircloth and Renee advocated for their tenured clerical specialist position to be upgraded; Register and Deputy Register and Probate Judge salaries increased.

Renee spoke to the services line being decreased 24.83% ($18,000) with the majority of the decrease coming from the Guardian Ad Litem line. Renee states because of her efficiencies in her office with cases being settled before going to court and using a mediator versus an attorney, that has a substantial savings.

Commissioner Cushing moved to take this budget under advisement. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.

IT (Dept. 15) Budget Presentation –

Cliff Warren presented IT (Dept. 15) department budget for the 2020 year. Cliff noted the increase in payroll is because we need to upgrade the IT Technical Support Services position to a Systems Administrator position that will attract the right person and allow retention.

Commissioner Sanborn motioned to approve the IT (Dept. 15) budget. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. HR Update –

HR Director, Erika Honey presented a Commissioner’s Action Request for the job description and wage scale for the UT Director Position announcement. Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the job announcement for the UT Director Position. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved. 3-0.

Erika stated that there will be a Benefits Fair for all County Employees that is scheduled on November 13th that coincides with the open enrollment period. Erika has invited many of our vendors to attend this event.

Erika reported that she will be graduating November 8th from the NACo Leadership Class she has been attending. Erika states there are six groups with ten participants in each group. Erika’s group are all from county associations, so that has been helpful. Erika was recently the facilitator on a recent class held, which consisted of reporting and dashboards to leaders/Commissioners/audiences.

Administration Update –

Administrator, Bill Collins reported on the HR workshop that he, Erika and Sheriff’s Office Administrative Assistant Vanessa Holmes attended in Portland last week. Bill’s biggest come away was thank goodness we made an investment in hiring Erika as our HR director. Bill said he just received notification that Rudman and Winchell will be conducting one in the Bangor area as well.

As a reminder, Spirit of America will be taking place this afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in the Third Floor Great Room.

Bill reported that last week he, Sheriff and the Sheriff’s staff travelled to Two Bridges Correctional Facility and the Somerset Jail for tours.

Commissioner Sawchuk met with the County Commissioners and Maine Sheriff’s regarding the eight counties that are affected by State Police discontinuing call sharing agreements.

Bill stated that the Post Office paving project is complete.

Reminder to Commissioner Cushing that November 13th is the State Claims Commission that he was nominated to by his fellow Commissioners.

November 12th is the Budget Hearing date. There is a lot to be done to have everything prepared for the towns a week in advance.

Sheriff will be hosting MSA here tomorrow and Thursday.

Bill reported that because of the inclement weather coming, WBRC will hold their meeting Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. with STV instead of Thursday.

Payroll Change Notices signed for: Eric Petterson, Daniel Gastia, Martin LeGassey, Robin Gerry, Adam Smith, Tracie Wasson, Billie Jo Stover, Jeremiah Smith and Evgeni Aleksiev.  Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $225,275.70  Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $116,770.70  Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for: $145,532.10  Unorganized Territory TIF Warrant to be approved for: NONE

Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:45 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Judy Alexander, Lt. Hotaling and Sheriff Morton. Session ended at 11:45 a.m. No votes taken.

Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 11:46 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins and Erika Honey. Session ended at 11:59 am.

Commissioner Cushing made a motion to deny GCN # 155 and find in favor of the Sheriff’s decision. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to deny passed 3 – 0.

Commissioner Cushing made a motion to deny GCN # 156 and find in favor of the Sheriff’s decision. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to deny passed 3 – 0.

Commissioner Cushing made a motion to deny GCN # 157 and find in favor of the Sheriff’s decision. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to deny passed 3 – 0.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to find in favor of the grievant on GCN # 149 and return time to the sick bank. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Vote to find in the favor of the grievant passed 3 – 0.

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion GCN # 145 and GCN #159 be held in abeyance pending presentation processing by AFSCME Council 93 Grievance Review Committee in Boston. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Passed 3 – 0. Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Cushing moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:04 p.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Moved to approve passed 3-0.

Certified By: Administrator, William Collins Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner

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