Penobscot County Commissioners Minutes from August 27, 2019
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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes August 27, 2019 2252 9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci & Laura Sanborn 61° Commissioner Andre Cushing (Arrived 9:10)
Registry of Deeds Records Management System Bids Opening –
Commissioner Baldacci opened up bids for Deeds Records Management System. The following seven vendors submitted their bids timely. ( See bids HERE )
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to take these bids under advisement until Register Susan Bulay can review them. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.
UT Update –
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to renew the liquor license for New England Outdoor Center. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Moved to approve passed 3-0. Signed.
Director, Barbara Veilleux presented a photo to the Commissioners of the two new trail drags for the Bowlin Matagamon Snowmobile Club. A check in the amount of $46,000 will be processed from TIF funds today.
Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the Town of Springfield fire protection contract. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Moved to approve passed 3-0. Signed.
George Buswell is working with Joey Reinzo on the gravel mixture for the Myra Road project. Administration Update –
Discussion was held last week with the City of Bangor regarding two hour parking on Court Street. Two members from the DA’s Office attended and reported that no changes were made. Further discussion will take place at the December meeting.
Those interested in the eight week Fall Wellness Challenge, must sign up by August 31st by contacting Tracey Erickson. This challenge is being funded by Cigna.
The Sheriff’s Office Employee Appreciation Barbeque is scheduled tonight from 5-7 p.m. in the back parking lot.
The job announcement for the Deputy Registrar of Probate has been advertised. The deadline is Thursday, August 29th.
The Wellness Center Committee is putting together a Penobscot County Employee team to walk the 5K “Commit to Get Fit” on Sunday, September 29th . Sign up for this event needs to be completed no later than September 20th to either Shelley Carver or Tracey Erickson. This too is being sponsored by Cigna.
Payroll Change Notices signed for: Jamie Kennedy, Adam Orcutt, Rebecca Merrick and Nicholas Mitton.
Payroll Warrant to be approved for pay date 8/23/19 Run 1: $222,613.87 Payroll Warrant to be approved for pay date 8/23/19 Run 2: $1,242.28 Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for pay date : $106,188.37 UT A/P Warrant to be approved for: NONE UT TIF Warrant to be approved for: $46,000
Finance Update –
Judy Alexander reported that she will provide the 2020 Budget Books at next week’s Commissioner meeting. She will also provide an electronic copy.
Judy states that tax monies are coming in. She will present an updated spreadsheet of the towns who have paid next week.
Public Comment – None
Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter GCN #159 and 145 at 10:04 a.m. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approve 3-0. Present were: Erika Honey, Sheriff Morton, Captain Clukey, Lt. Babb and James Mackie. Session ended at 10:55 a.m. with no votes taken.
Sheriff’s Update –
Sheriff Morton reported on his trip to Syracuse to tour the Onondaga County Justice Center facility he attended with Rob Frank and Mat Ward from WBRC and David Ziskind, Darko Hreljanovic and Valerie Jimenez-Lopez from STV.
Commissioner Baldacci asked Sheriff the status in regards to a Board of Visitors committee. Sheriff reported that we currently have a Jail Diversion committee that is akin to a Board of Visitors. This committee meets frequently with the sole focus of mental health purposes. Commissioner Baldacci recommend they change the name and the mission statement since they are the public’s eyes and ears and are serving the community. It should be reported on quarterly at Commission Meetings.
Sheriff reports that he is working with Judy Alexander and with our medical provider on financial information to report reference the Opioid lawsuit.
Some of Mr. Dansinger’s request can be provided. However, it will need to come with a pre-amble. Much of what he seeks could be skewed information due to the multiple variables involved.
Bail reform over the last few years have helped reducing population considerably. In the last 72 hours there have been 55 new admissions, with 40 released on bail.
Captain Clukey reports that the jail inspection was completed over a three day period. We were at 96% compliance; the problem areas is we are overcrowded.
Meeting Adjourned-
Commissioner Sanborn moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Moved to approve 3-0 Certified By: Judy Alexander for Administrator, Bill Collins Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner
Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner