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Penobscot County Commissioners' Meeting from July 9, 2019

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes July 9, 2019 2246

9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci and Andre Cushing 75°

Commissioner Laura Sanborn (Absent)

Discussion on the Hermon Multi-Modal Terminal –

Director of Community Incentives Vicki Rusbult and President Lee Umphrey from Eastern Maine Development Corporation reported on the Hermon Multi-Modal Terminal discussion that took place last week. Lee thanked Commissioner Sanborn for attending the meeting which was well attended by a number of agencies and stakeholders.

Vicki stated that the grant opportunity (BUILD program) funded through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 continues to support capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure through a competitive grant process. This Act also allocates funds for the planning, preparation or design of eligible projects. Efforts for this project will be led by the primary partners, with Penobscot County Commissioners serving as the lead applicant and EMDC as the fiscal agent and primary contact for project management and oversight. The anticipated grant request which is due July 15, will be $904,955 in Federal DOT BUILD funds, and $276,254 in match of cash and in-kind contributions.

Our goal is to complete a well-planned, comprehensive planning project leading to the launch of a multi-modal terminal to increase the efficient movement of Maine goods to market from points North and East to Southern and Western markets.

Vicki reported that Central Maine & Quebec Railway has partnered with regional and local stake holders to discuss options to develop a multi-modal terminal based in Hermon, Maine, with the goal of developing a terminal that supports the cost and time efficient movement of goods from regions to the North, West and East of Maine through the Northern Maine Junction and on to regional and global markets. The location’s proximity to I-95, the Bangor airport, the Hermon business park, Dysart’s truck stop/repair, the Port of Searsport and the major hub of Bangor makes this site ideal. The biggest part of this project is removing the carbon footprint from the environment.

Projected components of the project will include:

  • Transportation benefit-cost analysis, engineering planning and creation of a business plan for development of a multi-modal terminal

  • Marketing/feasibility analysis

  • Business development at the terminal junction and development proximal to the Hermon Business Park

  • Environmental assessment of any contiguous property

  • Broadband and Smart Transportation (integration of technologies and management strategies for multi-modal transportation systems)

  • Energy generation and transmission opportunities

Vicki envisions this project to be benefit to businesses by moving products more efficiently and to markets quicker. Return trips will allow product back to Maine to benefit our businesses. This project will also improve the environment by less carbon emissions.

Vicki is requesting Penobscot County $ 30 K ($15 K each year) for this two year project.

Commissioner Cushing moved to support and be the lead on the Hermon Multi-modal Terminal Project. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion approved 2-0 with the County providing an In-Kind match dollar amount to be determined.

Katahdin Economic Development Update –

Lee Umphrey reported on the Katahdin Revitalization Project under the direction of Mike Elliott. As reported through the media, OMEGA is coming to the Katahdin Region. OMEGA does health insurance/access hiring with a plan on hiring between 30-40 people. They recently advertised for an executive director and received 60 applications. Lee feels that is the start of good things happening.

Katahdin Regional Board will be hosting on July 19th a regional conference up in Millinocket of federal partners (HUD, SBA, & USDA) along with small business administration in development to federal programs.

It was reported that the tax lien issue at the Millinocket Mill has been resolved.

Lee stated that that EMDC would assist the County in a forum setting for citizens to hear and speak on the future jail project. EMDC could be the third party facilitator to create a public awareness program.

Sheriff’s Update –

  • Sheriff reported that today’s jail population is 175 (130 males, 45 females) with 33 boarded out to other county jails and 65 inmates in Maine Pre-Trial Services. In the last 72 hours we had 46 new arrests and 33 of those bailed out. Three inmates are currently hospitalized.

  • Sheriff reported on the Bangor City Council workshop that he, Commissioners Baldacci and Cushing, Bill Collins and Treasurer John Hiatt attended. Sheriff feels that it went fairly well considering the complexity and information that needs to be shared. One of the counselors will be visiting today for a tour at noon. Sheriff states that there was a healthy debate last night on the jail funding formula.

  • Sheriff wants to make sure that the Jail funding counties receive are inmate are first booked. Sheriff Merry has assured Troy that is happening. Sheriff still would like to see those numbers.

  • The jail had air conditioning problems again this weekend. Thank you for acknowledging LT. Babb’s purchases for ice cream for our inmates.

  • Since we are a service center area, one of the inmates from another county had been in a treatment center and relapsed. The alternative decided was to bring her into our jail. She overdosed within a half hour of her arrival. We are not sure when the drugs were ingested before or after being in our custody. This is a reason why the Sheriff feels we should invest in scanning devises.

  • Sheriff reports that alternative sentencing is moving ahead. Sheriff and his staff had a second meeting with the DA’s office. We are looking at screening tools. DA Lynch has created a program where charges will be dropped if the arrested attend a reporting program. There was discussion on where this program can be located. The Sheriff is looking for a place with a small kitchen, rooms that can hold classes and restrooms. Commissioner Baldacci would like to lease a place that would be suitable for day reporting. Commissioner Cushing stated that the Old “Y” is not a viable option.

  • Sheriff will be meeting with Larry Dansinger and provide documents that he is requesting.

  • We are continuing to receive from many thanks for our investigating stolen wire/power and damages from Emera.

  • Our deputies were involved in the suspicious death investigation in Greenbush.

  • Interviews are completed for four deputy positions.

  • Commissioner Cushing made a motion to approve the Town of Orrington 3-year contract for law enforcement services. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Signed.

  • Commissioner Cushing made a motion to approve the Town of Enfield supplemental law enforcement contract. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Signed.

  • Sheriff’s Morton and Merry along with DOC Commissioner Liberty were in a conference call regarding Maine Criminal Justice Academy lack of correction officer’s courses. It is typically three/four months before officers can attend the Academy.This poses a problem when hiring.Commissioner Liberty will commit to getting more classes for correction officers.

PRCC Update –

  • Josh Lilley reported that the third floor room utilized by Quality Assurance employees is not heating or cooling properly. Josh has a quote from Mechanical Services for a 12 BTU heat pump that can be used for both heat and cooling.

  • Commissioner Cushing moved to approve up to $ 6 K for a heat pump on the third floor Q/A room. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

Public Comment - None

Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:10 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 2-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Sheriff Morton, and Erika Honey. Session ended at 10:26 a.m. NO votes taken.

Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:27 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D) Contract Matter. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Vote to approve 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Erika Honey, John Hiatt, Dick Hansen of Hansen Financial and Mark Gagne of Cigna Health. Session ended at 11:08 a.m. NO votes taken.

Administration Update –

  • Bill Collins reported that the elevator in this building has been out of service since Tuesday. Cap reported that the replacement part is coming from California. He does not have a delivery date or cost estimate.

  • Claire from the Post Office has complained about the air system not working properly. Terry and Cap have fixed the problem.

  • Probation and Parole had a window shot out.

  • A big thank you to the Commissioners in allowing July 5th to be an extended holiday.

  • Yesterday Homeland Security expert Bill Delong met with all the staff and conducted a tour of our entire campus.

  • Reminder no Commissioners meeting next week.

  • You have been invited to the BARN Lobster mania Dinner that will be held July 25th.

  • MCCA meeting tomorrow will focus on the jail funding formulas.

  • Finance Director, Judy Alexander is continuing her vacation this week.

  • Bill is working with Susan Bulay from Registry of Deeds bids for computer services.

  • Cap and I will get the snow plow bid out this week.

  • Bill reported a TRIO upgrade did not work properly so no UT payables will go out this week.

  • Bill presented a letter that was received from an inmate from federal prison in New Hampshire. After review by the Commissioners No action is necessary.

  • Cap reported that the chiller has been fixed with a new sensor. This piece of equipment is under warranty which saved the county a lot of money.

  • Commissioner Baldacci told Cap to keep the Old District Court granite but to clean up the back lot of debris.

  • Bill will reach out to Rob Frank regarding the percentage not listed in their contract.

  • Payroll Change Notices signed for:Isiah J. Davis, Tyler J. Cadet, Kyle M. Bjelf and Beau K. Bowers – Hired Full-Time; Peter Garland – Promotion; Blake Miller and Erin Coombs – Comp time.

  • Payroll Warrant to be approved for:$ 216,762.36

  • Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $ 101,509.22

  • UT A/P Warrant to be approved for: -NONE-

  • UT TIF Warrant to be approved for: -NONE-

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Cushing moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:11a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Moved to approve passed 2-0

Certified By:

Administrator, Bill Collins­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ABSENT Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner

Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner

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