Public Notice - Residents of Penobscot County
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The Penobscot County Commissioners are seeking an individual interested in serving on the Land Use Planning Commission. This appointment is for a period of 4 years and requires a background check be performed before nomination. Persons seeking the nomination to serve must possess the following qualifications:
Must have expertise in commerce and industry, fisheries and wildlife, forestry or conservation issues as they relate to the commission’s jurisdiction and must:
Reside in the commission’s jurisdiction;
Work in the commission’s jurisdiction or;
Be a former resident or be retired after having worked for a minimum of 5 years within the jurisdiction.
Questions may be directed to Bill Collins, Administrator,
Interested parties must submit a resume to: Bill Collins, Administrator, 97 Hammond Street, Bangor, ME 04401. The deadline for application is 4:30 on Friday, March 22, 2019.