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County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for December 19th, 2017

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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes December 19, 2017 #2168

9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Tom Davis and Laura Sanborn 19°

Approval of Minutes-

Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the December 12th, 2017 minutes. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

Sheriff’s Department Update –

Sheriff Troy Morton stated that today’s jail population is 174 inmates comprising of 139 males, 35 females and 52 boarded out to other county jails. There are 62 in Maine Pre-trial. No federal inmates or county swaps.

Sheriff Morton and Chief Birch brought in a summarized copy of the two medical contract bids that were presented last week. Our current provider CHP, their contract ends the end of January. The challenge is if we chose to go with another provider, we will need time to bring them up to speed. Sheriff doesn’t expect a decision today since he and his staff will be discussing these there are still reference calls to be made better suited to make their recommendation at next week’s Commissioners’ meeting.

Sheriff reported that the Two Bridges will speak at their board meeting on January 10th, 2018 to extend our 90 day agreement with us. Two Bridges has agreed to house our inmates for 30 days at the same rate. Two Bridges has requested that the current inmates they already have in-house be at a different rate. Sheriff didn’t see any reason to oppose that request. Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve Sheriff Morton to sign and make the decision for a 30 day agreement with Two Bridges. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

Sheriff then presented two forfeitures from drug cases. The first is State of Maine vs Anne Lord in the amount of $4,681. Commissioner Davis moved to approve these monies in the amount of $4,681. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. The second forfeiture is in the State of Maine vs Melissa Johnson for a seizure of a 2007 BMW series 3. This vehicle will be auctioned off and the monies will go to the Sheriff’s Office. Commissioner Davis made the motion to approve the auctioning of the BMW vehicle. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

Troy stated that our Finance Director, Judy Alexander has met with LT Hotaling regarding the correction budget being moved to the calendar year. It was reported that the expenditures line is well below budget whereas the projected revenue has put us in a hole.

The Sheriff’s Office has been busy working on wrecker service contract. It is the Sheriff’s recommendation to not have a contract with individual companies. The reason why is simply due to the different areas of service. Some companies only want to work one area and not attend to the others that are needed. There are new national standards that need to be met. Such as having up to date insurance coverage, sex offenders cannot be tow truck drivers and usual and customary rate schedules to stop the price gouging. We are asking the companies to submit their price schedules so that there will be no question on the cost of service. The Sheriff’s office gets multiple complaints on price gouging.

The Sheriff’s Office received a donation from a citizen to be given out with the understanding that Law Enforcement officers would be the ones to spread the Holiday Cheer. The citizen felt this way it would cast a positive light on officers. Media taped some of the recipients at a local grocery store where they monies were given to either offset their bill or pay off their purchases. This has been very well received by the public and has resulted in another donation into the Sheriff’s Office.

Wreaths Across America was a successful three day event. Eleven counties from Maine were represented. This is the fourth year that we sent two of our Deputies. The Maine Sheriff’s Association paid for 250-300 wreaths to be placed upon the graves in the area designated for Maine.

The inmate that filed a complaint with the Commissioners has been sentenced to the Department of Corrections.

UT Update –

Barbara Veilleux reached out to seven towns regarding an hourly increase for the Regional ACO’s. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to increase the Regional ACO’s from $13.25 to $13.50 an hour. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Motion to approve 3-0.

Barbara and Chad LaBree from PRCC reported on the meeting they attended last week with Lincoln, Howland and East Millinocket Fire Departments regarding coverage for Mile marker 227 to Mile marker 239. Currently the towns bill per call. Barbara said she and the towns would like to see a contract. She is waiting on their proposals. She and Chad will present the proposals to the commissioners when they arrive.

Barbara stated that she has received the TIF application from the Matagamon Lake Association. It’s been distributed to members of the committee. Administration fees can be charged to the $100,000 that was brought to the committee members. However, none of the TIF money can be spent countywide.

PRCC Update –

Chad Labree reported to the Commissioners that he is still at a standstill on the furniture for the call takers. Chad reports that he will place an RFP to all the furniture vendors soon.

Chad’s main concern is the renovation for the call taker space and what has been decided. Chad proposes that we use a drop ceiling for the 911 wires for this area. He feels that it will be more economical than trying to drill through two feet of concrete block since we need three 4" holes. Chad will wait for Cap’s recommendation.

Finance Update –

Judy Alexander presented the Commissioners with a representation letter that needed to be sign by the Commissioner for the UT audit and the addendum letter. This is so the audit can be released. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve. Commission Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

Judy presented to the Commissioners financial reports through November 30th. It shows that we are doing well with expenditures as well as revenue is slightly above year to date.

Judy spoke to the auditors as best way to be able to bring the jail over to the County budget.

Judy states that there are two towns that have not yet made their tax payments.

Dan Tremble will write an official letter to Brewer indicating the forgiveness of interest on their late payment.

Judy states that she and LT Hotaling are still working on the jail’s budget. She will bring to the Commissioners the final copy for their view.

Judy brought to the Commissioners that a 1.5% increase for payroll for non-union employees has been added in the budget. Commissioner Davis made a motion to have the payroll change to 1.5% on January 1, 2018. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve the motion passed 3-0.

Executive Session- Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:20 a.m., 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins and Chad LaBree. Session ended at 10:55 with no votes taken.

NWDB Update –

Joanna Russell reported to the Commissioners the hearing she attended in Portland yesterday involving the injunction against Governor LePage. Judge John Woodcock presided at the hearing. It started at 9:30 am and continued until 4:10 pm. Joanna was very impressed with Judge Woodcock stating he was very attentive and asked a lot of questions. Judge Woodcock felt that this issue didn’t belong in federal court. That this was something that Federal Secretary of Labor Acosta should have handled. Judge Woodcock respected and understood the urgency regarding the funding. He stated it is his belief that if he sides on Coastal Counties that Governor LePage will reject PY 18 funding. Legislation is in process that will prevent the Governor from rejecting these funds. The judge felt like the case was well presented and had a lot of good information.

Administrative Update –

Bill stated that he and Commissioner Baldacci attended MCCA meeting last week and received news our liability insurance increase is 3.6%.

Bill will be meeting with FOP line unit tomorrow for a wage reopener.

Bill will be meeting Thursday with AFSCME Corrections Supervisors.

Bill stated that he had another walk through at 127 Hammond St with Mat Ward on Friday. There is still water in the building. Bill has tried multiple times to get ahold of Bangor Water Company to find out where the second line of the water is coming from. Bill is walking through again today again with Nichol’s Plumbing.

Bill received a voicemail from a prior inmate wishing to make a complaint against the Sheriff’s Office.

Bill will be attending the Penquis Finance meeting tonight.

Attorney Jamie Belleau from a Waterville firm has been selected to represent the class action lawsuit in regards to the Opiate crisis. He will be here at next week’s Commissioners’ Meeting to discuss the class action lawsuit. There is no financial to the County for participating in his lawsuit. This will be an informational gathering. Class lawsuit.

GCN 148 – A motion was made by Commissioner Sanborn in favor of the Sheriff. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 2-1. Commissioner Baldacci opposed.

GCN 150 – A motion was made by Commissioner Davis in favor of the Sheriff. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion to approve 3-0.

Payroll change notices signed for: Comp time Terry Sullivan

Payroll Warrant to be approved for: $ 210,979.33

Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for: $ 160,573.59

Unorganized Territory Warrant to be approved for: $19,439.27

Public Comment - None

Meeting Adjourned-

Commissioner Davis moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Moved to approve 3-0.

Certified By:

Administrator, William Collins

Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman

Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner

Thomas J. Davis, Jr., Commissioner

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