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Commissioners' Meeting on January 3, 2017

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Penobscot County Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 3, 2017 #2120

9:00 AM Commissioner’s Tom Davis and Laura Sanborn.

Peter Baldacci arrived at 9:15 AM.

Approval of Minutes-

Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the December 27, 2016 minutes and Commissioner Davis seconded it. Vote to approve passed 2-0.

Unorganized Territory Update-

  • Director Barbara Veilleux presented a shelter renewal contract with Penobscot Valley Humane Society for signature. There was no change in service or price. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approved signing. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2-0.

  • Barbara presented the Animal Control renewal contract with the Town of Bradley for signature. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve signing. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2-0.

  • Barbara reports that she has reached out to the Town of Hermon to try to consider contracting for Animal Control. They may be interested. However, it’s according to who we hire. The Town of Carmel is also very interested.

  • Barbara presented a renewal of the liquor license for Saw Mill Grill in T3 Indian Purchase for signature. Barbara spoke with Bill Sheehan and there are no issues with that establishment. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve signing. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 2-0.

  • George Buswell reports on the roads have ice buildup but they are all passable. It is not as good as in the past. Last Tuesday there were difficulties in the Town of Greenfield due to icing on the roads. Towns are using a lot of sand and salt.

Deeds Update-

  • Registrar Susan Bulay reports on an incidence from a couple of weeks ago. There were a few people that came in with documents that needed to be notarized. Susan said that it is her policy that if the documents are recorded in her office she does not want them notarized in her office. She wants a disconnect between recording and notarizing. So her people send them across the hall to UT Director Barbara Veilleux. One particular gentleman did not like this and got a little upset so to make it a little more palatable he was told it was a conflict of interest. When he was sent to Barbara for notarization, he repeated what he had been told. Barbara than pointed out that is not a conflict of interest. Susan spoke with Julie Flynn at the Secretary of State’s office who agrees that it is not a conflict of interest. There is also nothing in the law that prevents an office from having a policy that they will not notarize documents to be recorded in that office.

Susan feels the public has the perception that when you record something you make it legal. If she notarizes it that may make it appear more legal. Susan spoke of a previous incident within the last year where a gentleman came in and recorded a mechanics lien. The property was sold and he didn’t get paid. He has called several times and he is verbally abusive. He feels we took his money fraudulently because we recorded it but didn’t enforce it. Susan would hate to think what would have happened if they had also notarized that document. Commissioner Baldacci feels you shouldn’t make a policy from the most extreme situation. Commissioner Davis feels whatever you can do should be for the benefit of the public. We are here to serve. Commissioner Davis asks Susan to give it some more thought. Commissioner Baldacci would like people to feel that the service they get at the County Sheriff, Probate and Registry is at a higher and friendlier level than the State of Maine. Susan said she will think about it. She will reach out to other Registry of Deeds and see what they do.

  • Susan reports that she has looked at year-end figures. It looks like they will be turning over about $ 60K more this year than last year. Recordings are down about 200 documents compared to last year. Recording of liens are down 20% from last year.

Administrative Update-

  • Payroll warrant approved for $210,478.68.

  • Accounts Payable warrant approved for $411,964.61.

  • The Unorganized Territory Warrant approved for: None

  • Payroll change notice signed for: None

  • Compensation notice signed for: None

  • Bill asked for a motion of Chairman for 2017. Commissioner Baldacci moved that Commissioner Davis be nominated as Chair. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Commissioner Davis appreciates the nomination but due to health issues he does not accept at this time. Commissioner Baldacci withdrew his nomination. Commissioner Sanborn withdrew her second. Commissioner Davis made a motion that Commissioner Baldacci continue as Chairman. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

  • Bill reports that the Cigna Health Insurance contract has been signed.

  • Bill received a voicemail from Mr. Kolman last Friday letting us know he received the Commissioners tax abatement decision. He relayed it’s a lot of words that don’t tell him much. He plans to appeal to Superior Court and wants help in going about it. Bill told Mr. Kolman he will provide Mr. Kolman a link to the Courts website.

  • Roof Systems of Maine fixed the leaks at the Post Office. They plan to come back to be sure all is fixed.

  • Cap Ayer is having his shoulder surgery today and will be out for a few weeks.

  • Bill reports he has received a new contract from PERC. He has sent to Rudman & Winchell for a legal review.

Department Carry Forwards-

The following departments made carry forward requests:

  • EMA is requesting a carry forward of $1,500.

  • PRCC has a carry forward of $17,769.20.

  • DA’s office is requesting a carry forward of $18,963.85.

  • Deeds is requesting a carry forward of $1000.

  • Civil is requesting $13,000.

  • Sheriff Office is requesting a carry forward of $20,790.92

Commissioner Davis made a motion to carry forward a total of $73,023.97 and Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

Sheriff’s Department Update-

  • Sheriff Morton reports the jail count today is 199. 169 males and 30 females and 58 in Maine Pretrial Services.

  • A part time Civil Deputy fell on the ice while serving papers and will be out of work for a while. Also, someone from the Clerical Staff fell yesterday in our parking lot.

  • Sheriff Morton is trying to get together with DA Chris Almy to discuss the stay of executions. He agrees with the use of the stay of execution but believes they are being used in too many cases for repeat offenders. There was a discussion among the Sheriff and the Commissioners of this process and how to identify the people who should not be able to take advantage of the stay of executions.

  • Sheriff reports he had a very good meeting with the Clinician from Acadia Hospital and feels he has learned a lot from her.

  • Sheriff presented a contract from Correctional Health Partners to be signed. Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve. Commissioner seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.

  • Friday’s power outage brought up issues in the Sheriff’s Office. Part of the law enforcement side of the building did not have back up power other than in the hallways. Also, the elevator in the jail is also not on the generator.

  • Sheriff reports they sent jackets they no longer use to Piscataquis County. They really appreciated them.

Public Comment--None

Executive Session- Administrator Bill Collins made a request to go into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter under 1 MRSA § 405(6)(D) at 10:30am. The Commissioners, Treasurer Dan Tremble, Mr. Collins, and Sheriff Morton were in attendance. Executive Session ended at 11:30 am with no votes taken.

Meeting Adjourned- The meeting was adjourned at 11:31 am with no further business on the agenda.

Certified By:

/s/ William Collins

Penobscot County Administrator

William Collins

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ /s/ Peter K. Baldacci

Peter K. Baldacci, Chairperson

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ /s/ Thomas J. Davis, Jr.

Thomas J. Davis, Jr., Commissioner

/s/ Laura J. Sanborn

Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­


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